Just picked up my 2012 v with 9800 miles yesterday after lurking here for a while. Hybrid system indicator was "display all" as I merrily tootled home to the tune of 51 mpg per display (I know real mpg is lower). I was trying to reset odometer and clearly pushed something I shouldn't have. Switched to display 3 (no Eco or EV icons). Looked in owner's manual and despite repeated efforts, keeps going back to that third display. I am pressing display until it shows "set" flashing. Then while the "display all is flashing", I "press and hold DISP setting for 1 sec or more to complete setting" and it immediately goes to the next display option. If I just leave it flashing the 10 secs with the indicator settings I want, it reverts back to the third display which is currently the default. What am I doing wrong?