Put a refundable down payment on a certified preowned 2007 Base model w approx. 25k. Reading through these stickies has me a bit concerned. Are we making a mistake? This car would be used for daily commuting, logging many miles. The car's in nice condition w clean carfax, oil changes & routine maintenance every 1 to 1-1/2 years, handled nicely on test drive, and is in our mid-teens price range. We don't perform hands-on maintenance on our cars so pay for maintenance. We are asking for a new OEM 12v battery and a transaxle drain & fill to be included in purchase. Your input is appreciated, thanks very much!
Sounds like you asked for all the right things, depending on your location your main battery is warranteed for either 100000 or 150000 miles, seems to me you are not making a mistake, but it's not my money, good luck.
battery, sure, its probl original, so its at the end regardless of miles, I'm due for one, same year, slightly more miles, transaxle fluid, its probl overkill, I'm about to look up recalls on mine, maybe do the same and have them all done before you purchase it, I see you got a wagon, it wont be much different.
Thanks, JMD. I've seen these recommendations elsewhere on the forums and noted them for maintenance. Being that car's used and so close to 30k, we'll get it done now.
Boppo, that is music to my ears! This Prius is for my husband and I want for him to be as happy w it as I am w mine
I have Three Different friends that own Prius and swear by it. One Is an outside sales guy and got it for the mileage. With his mileage reembursemnt he is very happy. One is a Nurse and she can't say enough about the car. Economical and reliable. One is a CEO of a bank and purchased 2 identical cars at the same time now 9 years old. One is perfect the other he needed traction battery replacement. That car his teenage daughter was driving and she is hard on the gas pedal per him. It was his wife's car but she gave it to the daughter when she got her license and purchased a Camry Hybrid. Warranty covered it.
here's a thought, I just signed up on toyotas website it shows me all the service performed, turns out my car is from bronx, ny, I'm in detroit, mi odd, looks like who owned it before had it serviced at the same dealer about once a year, accel pedal done, looks like thermos watterpump, or ehathave you, cabin filter oilchanges, try it might let you sign up with that vin you can see any service performed at the dealer. here's the kicker, I got mine at about 43k, can't complain great car throuout, always wondered about the low mileage, bronks ny explains that, thou I dare anyone that has a carfax account to check my vin, I'm curious if its clean because I know for a fact this is an insurence car, it apears to have been minor, guy I got it from fixes them for a living, thou he mentioned its one of the few cars hes ever had with a green title, everything else he ever had was rebuilt title. I could notice a new headlight, seller mentioned bumper fender and hood, no frame streching, and I've been arround bodywork enough I've seen some good work, even on rebuilds, if its done properly or wasnt that serious to begin with it will do well , bottom line, carfax, dealer certified, dont mean anything to me, Id rather have a wreck thats been done properly than a guartantee, thats just me. I seen another 25 k at that time supposedly moved to chicago, left it with dad to sell it, had some scuffs, smelled like cat, never been in a wreck thou, honestly I liked the insurence wreck better, nevermind $5k less, than again I know what I am looking at, and the work done was proper, sure he may have overlooked something, I'll take my chances, with any car you will, especialy used.
Ever been to the Bronx? The roads are horrible. City driven cars take the ultimate punishment. I'm sure the suspension is fatigued