Actual EV range is the distance you actually drive in EV from a full charge until it kicks out of EV into HV mode. What do you mean by shame shame? And can you post a pic of your reboot switch, I've never seen one.
I still don't understand the point of a reboot switch. A bunch of counters get reset. So? I am not trying to be sarcastic or critical or anything. I really just don't understand why one would install a switch just to reset the parameters that are stored in volatile memory.
I have no reboot switch. My EV estimate has gone from 13 to 13.9 in the last 2-3 weeks. My actual driving range went up by 1-1.5 miles. Tell me again why this switch matters. Mike
Agree with your first statement, purpose of installing a reboot switch is twofold. 1. When you reboot it kicks the estimated range up, as I explained in Post 1 . 2 by installing the switch, you no longer have to physically remove the neg or pos lead when you do have start problems and have to reboot.
OK I get it, you want the estimated range to reset and look good regardless of how much range you actually get. Do I have that right or are you actually saying resetting is increasing your ACTUAL EV driving range? It's not "normal" to disconnect your battery on a regular basis I'm not sure what kind of problems you're having, I haven't had any problems yet. Cheers.
I haven't measured my total EV range lately, but when I did it always exceeded the estimated range. As for normal it only has to be disconnected for a few seconds. This time however it may have been off the two hours I was in the Gym, I'm not sure. But if you are not going to use the car it does not matter how long the 12V is disconnected. You lose a few presets that's all. If you will read, READ the first post, you will notice I had, have NO problems. Incidently, your last sentence is incomprehensible.