Was not sure this fits here or in care/maintenance....oh, well. I am really tuned out to the banner ads on the pages here, but a NAPA 20 percent/$5 off ad has been flashing for a few weeks, I finally decided I needed car parts and of course I reload, reload, reload and the NAPA ad doesn't show for three straight days. Finally decided I would buy without the coupons, and today the coupons appear on the page again.....all day long....go figure. Anyway, printed them off and saved mucho $$$ at my local NAPA. They may only be regional, but if you need parts, you might consider a click. They do expire on Sunday.....
The ads target you specifically (as you travel the web Google "tracks" you) so if you want them to show up in the future, visit the napa site every day and come back here, you will see the ad again! That will work for other advertisers as well.
RockAuto isn't five miles away. RockAuto doesn't give me free peanuts, coffee and free advice, not to mention free parts from time to time (nothing big, screws, washers, o-rings, filter). RockAuto doesn't put my wiper blades on for free. And RockAuto charges shipping. RockAuto also does not support our local community activities. I don't mind if you buy from the Rock and not saying I don't buy from online sources many times, but I find NAPA prices are fairly competitive, often beating the online stores, especially when you figure in shipping -- as well as the lag time in getting parts.
Quite amusingly, I just bought like $150 of Trico wiper blades from RockAuto for like $3/each (beam-style too!) because a "national distributor" was having a closeout. I got them a couple days ago and they came in NAPA packaging.
Very good deal on the blades. Not saying that NAPA is always cheapest, or even ever, but it works for me. With the coupons this weekend I got a decent deal, I would say. Just for curiosity, one part I bought this weekend was $14.79 at Napa, minus the $5 coupon, which brought the price down to 25 cents more than Rock Auto