An interesting thing happened at the gym today. While getting my 15 ft extension out at the Gym I apparently hit my reboot switch. Coming back out I unplugged and started, only to find out I had no power. Right away I knew what had happened, so I crawled back there and hit the switch up again. To my surprise, I now had a 14 mile range as compared to the usual 10.8. Apparently the traction battery liked sitting in the warm sun today. To reboot or not, that is the dilemma. There are many naysayers to this procedure, but I say they really have not tried it. I call them doubting Thomases. Cheers.
i may give it a try, it would be worth it if i could get to work and home without having to plug in at work!
Great I installed a permanent toggle switch to the neg lead. More naysayers will warn you of power surges. In the 7 years with my 2005 I never experienced a power surge thru my toggle switch. More theoretical nonsense.
the switch is certainly worthwhile if it increases ev miles, you want to do it every day i would imagine. what specs does it need to have?
I really can't answer that precisely, the wiring should be the same as the extension that you are using, if you are using one, if not, the same guage the EVSE has. The wiring of course depends on the physicality of the switch, since we are talking about a very short distance 6-10 inches. You could even make two short pigtails with two wire nuts. On the 2005 I used a very sturdy Battery disconnect switch, but I think that was overkill.
I didn't know I have a reboot switch?? So did your estimated or actual range (or both) go up? I know disconnecting the battery and reconnecting causes the estimate to reset.
. That is correct. The estimated, however the total range is determined by the estimate, isn't it ? There is no reboot switch on the car, but, you may install one. I found it useful on my 05 as well.
I never said that, somebody else said that. Anyway, figures don't lie, but liars figure. Don't wait for my advice, try it and see.
The total range is based on the total charge and the driving conditions during this particular discharge session. This is akin to resetting your fuel economy gauge then expecting to get more miles out of a tank. The amount of fuel in the tank remains the same regardless of any electrical shenanigans. If it works then I'll happily eat crow.
remember that apparently not only is the estimate dependent on temperature but the actual charging rate seems also to be dependent on temperature. What is the ideal temperature? Unknown, but probably something in the temperate range.
. Start eating, as I have never seen a fuel economy guage that one could reset. All mpg guages that I have ever seen only read out present results.
there is no such thing as actual EV range, this is all determined after the car runs out of EV charge, providing you havn't polluted the trip with HV mode. Shame,shame.
I'm partial to real world results, statistics lie, obfuscate! confuse and definitely help the writer that is trying to prove a point. But, are the numbers correct? No I am not a statistics expert. What does that have to do with the subject matter.