So I dropped my prius off to get looked at for error code p0301 number 1 cylinder missfire. They ruled out Spark plugs, coils and fuel injector. What else is ther? Also could it be the battery or even gas?
Does the error re-occur when cleared? If not, it may have just been an odd one-off event that has since gone away.
They just did a compression check and fuel pressure check and that was fine. The light when on a few after each time it cleared
The Prius does not have a distributor cap or HT leads. The individual coils are mounted directly over the plugs. John (Britprius)
An air leak at the injector seal can cause this problem. There is also a very long discussion on this problem in an early post I will see if I can find it and post a link. John (Britprius)
Matt, how many miles on the car and do you live in a CARB state? It is possible this could be covered by the emissions guaranty as a misfire will upset emissions. John (Britprius)
Hope someone will chime in from the US on if Mass is a CARB state, being in the UK I do not know. I do know that CARB states have 150,000 mile 10 years on emissions so keeping my fingers crossed for you. John (Britprius)