Here's a really good deal on a nice set of wiper blades for the Prius. Amazon has a special deal to get 2 Bosch Clear Advantage Wiper Blades for $20. Here are the correct sizes for the 3G Prius: Bosch 26-CA Clear Advantage Beam Wiper Blade - 26" : : Automotive Bosch 19-CA Clear Advantage Beam Wiper Blade - 19" : : Automotive
Sorry to ask a stupid question for clarification, but one length is for the driver side and one for the passenger side?
The deal isn't showing up for me... is there a special code or something that needs to be entered to get the special pricing?
It says to enter 2 into your cart and discount is applied at checkout, did you make it that far to see if the discount got applied?
Thanks for the info ... anyone actually used these ??? I hope they are better than stock which are bad out of the factory ... i couldn't believe how bad they are ... I have less than 3k and they are already streaking not cleaning at all.... It was a problem with 2010 and now my brand new 2012 ... unbelievable...
Thanks Danny! Added both to Amazon cart- the discount is applied at last step before hitting the commit button- you can see the total reflects the discount.