On my 20 minute drive to work this morning, I saw at least 7+ Priuses. However interestingly no white Prius today, all other colors. Only managed to capture 4 of them with my camera. So is it safe to say I am a Prius stalker?
My wife, son & I do Prius spotting while we are out & about. We also spot Swagger (Sienna) & Frogger (Fiesta hatchback). It's a fun game for us Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
On my daily two mile walk in a residential area I count Priuses parked or moving. the Average is about 5, but on day recently I counted 17. Guess i stalk too.
I used to be the only one doing that when we go out as a family, now I got my 7 year old daughter doing the same thing. Except she keeps her on going count, she is at 126 Priuses now. The 4 year old can't count that high yet... On the other hand when my daughter yells out "Prius!", my wife just says "What else!"
One time my wife & I were out shopping. We go into a store and she points out some lady and says she is driving that blue Prius we had spotted while parking I said you stalker Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
In my area, Prii sightings exceeded my ability to count years ago. I counted Leafs for about six months, then stopped when they reached about 6 per day.
Just to keep yourself and your stalked targets out of trouble, I would cover up the license tags before posting photos. You never know if someone might be being truly stalked by a crazy, and you wouldn't want to help them locate their victim.
I've been noticing a lot of new prii lately (before my conference and my flu) on my drive in and from work. I've also noticed a lot more Prii in the parking garage and parking lots at work. It's like they're breeding like rabbits! I guess it's ok to be a Prius stalker as long as you aren't the guy who drove around San Fran in an SUV counting Prii and kevetching about them the whole time he found like 8 and saw more SUVs than Prii. I wish I could find that darn video again on Youtube!
I just got my new Black Cherry Persona. I haven't seen one on the road yet (only had mine for two days).
I seen someone in Anoka MN driving theirs in the salt Too nice of a car to drive it in the winter. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717