I am looking for the "flat" cargo net that fits the trunk (2006 Prius). I have the four metal loops, which I suppose every package has. I am not looking for the standard pouch net but one I can lay out flat and hook into those four loops. Does any one has any ideas on where to get that? Thanks a bunch.
I took one out of my old SUV which I make fit but in the meantime the dealer got me the "pouch net" where we had to drill a couple holes and install the rings. I read later that this can be used either way -- meaning as they describe on package or flat on the other hooks. I will try mine and see how it fits laying flat.
Try Clair Parts and look for the Mercedes cargo net, Part No.: 6-7-66-0063 for 34.95. Oddly enough it is one of the cheapest nets I've found and is indistinguishable from the Audi one at 3x the price. Clair Parts is at http://www.clairparts.com/ and you can find the net under accessories for a variety of Mercedes models. I used a C 320 sedan when I looked just now. Mine fits fine in my Prius. - Tom
Thanks for all your help. My other car is a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I'll try using that net. Didn't even occur to me that it might fit :huh:
Well it took 2 seconds to see it was only designed to use in that vertical orientation. Forget that idea.
David Honl used to sell a custom fit cargo net that using the word Priuschat would get you a 10% discount. But my links to his site no longer work so I don't know if he might have gone out of business. It's the one I have and it's well made and was a good price.
This is exactly what you were looking for: Toyota Prius Spider Cargo Net Merely scroll down until you see it. Cheers
In the old archives here I was lead to the Hyundai Santa Fe cargo net. I purchased one and it works just great. Current price: $21.25 plus shipping Here's the link. http://www.hyundaipartsonline.com/product_.../products_id/50 Here's the photo of it in my Prius. [Broken External Image]:HTTP://home.comcast.net/~marvweaver/100_0309.JPG
Nice! B) I could use something like that. Have you found it to be handy? Do you think it would reach the upper loops in the back (the ones the standard net attaches to at the top)? I think I'm gonna git me one a' those...
I am not sure what you are asking. As the net has bungie characteristics it will reach the back metal hooks and the plastic upper hooks that the vertical net uses. IF that's what you're asking. As for it being handy! I use it much more than the vertical net.
Thanks. Yeah, that's what I meant: the upper plastic hooks. I guess I didn't word it very well... :huh: I think I'd rather have one of those for controlling the stuff I'm carrying that the vertical one, which tends to make it more difficult to lift stuff out of the back.
do not know if this helps anyone, but I've seen them advertised on ebay. Been thinking of getting one myself. --Bonny G.
I have the exact same Hyundai cargo net that RadMarv has pictured. Just to add a note that it has the same black hooks that are on the standard Prius vertical cargo net which really makes it look natural. I use it all the time for groceries so that they don't slide around on the way home from the store. B)
I have the spider cargo net and love it. I find it very handy when I go shopping, especially to places like Costco where I have a bunch of boxes. It really helps to prevent things from sliding / rolling all over the place. The only drawback that I've found with it is that it obstructs opening the floor storage space. I have to unclip the net each time I need to grab my squeege or de-icer in the morning.
Hey... I just went to order one and the page that you put your credit card number on isn't secure! I'm not sure that's such a great idea... I think I'll look for another one or see if I can get one at a Hyundai dealer...
I found this contact information on cached Google version of that site: The 800 number is no longer in service. The 310 number has been changed to 562-683-2156.
Here's a link to their secure servers... https://www.hyundaipartsonline.com/product_.../products_id/50