Does anyone know if you get an insurance discount for adding the "Vehicle Intrusion Protection" system? I figure that probably gets some credit.
I pay around a hundred a month, but I have full uber coverage and multiple drivers. State Farm, been with them... golly, for about as long as I can remember. 20 years?
Cool web site is they have a calculator for your vehicle and state. Car insurance comparison: The most and least expensive 2013 vehicles to insure |
Was curious, but the website would not work for me. Got as far as retrieve quote three times, nada. Nothing in my email, either. Sigh.
Go down to the blue box with this text: Check out average insurance rates for your 2013 car Annual rates for 750+ models! They have Prius c v and Plug-IN
It wasn't a matter of them not having the car listed, nothing happened when I tried to "retrieve" my quotes.
I pay 397 every 6 months or 794/year in Raleigh,NC. I'm a 24 yr old male with no accidents or tickets and full coverage from Nationwide.
Probably meaningless because I'm down here and who knows how our insurance products compare but my coming comprehensive insurance renewal is equal to about US$1100 on the current exchange rate. Just did a few quick quotes online and haven't found anything lower. This doesn't include the third party personal injury insurance we have to buy to complete our registration. Mine's not due now but current quotes would see that costing about US$530. This is without a relevant accident history, loyalty recognition and a single driver (and it's not like I'm that young any more). I thought you guys were meant to have the crazy-high insurance because of your super expensive legal and medical systems. Probably doesn't help that our purchase price for the car is waaaay more.
From most people that get quotes from them I have heard Geico is usually the cheapest or at least very close. And by full coverage are you meaning $0 deductible?
That's the trouble with generic insurance quotes... there are too many variables. How high is the deductible? How high are the coverage limits (this one is pretty important)? Personal injury coverage? Property damage coverage? Uninsured motorist coverage? Multiple driver or any-car-I-drive coverage? There is such a huge difference between basic or minimum required by law and best-most-money-can-buy.
$715/year from Safety Insurance (Massachusetts insurance through my local insurance agency). I could get cheaper but it's easier when you have to make a claim and they take care of everything.
I totally agree with you guys that you get what you pay for. However you have to understand the fundamental truth of insurance is that it's a gamble. By paying money you are actually betting that you get into an accident. Now obviously we don't want this, but unfortunately there lies the rub with insurance. Another way to look at it, if in fact you believe what I stated above. If you believe the insurance company makes money on your policy then it is no different than a casino that has a house edge. Most people understand that you lose the least at a casino by betting the least. I have the same philosophy in insurance. Now obviously some people want to pay for peace of mind, and that is fine. And I'm definitely not saying you should pay for the absolute minimum, in most situations that's not smart either. Basically I'm just sharing some of my thoughts on insurance, haha.
Having been the victim (not the cause) of close to a dozen accidents in my 30+ years of driving, I have learned the hard way that it is much better to have insurance than not. And that it is much better to have insurance with a known, reputable firm with a reputation for not refusing to pay out when the time comes. I know some people who have never had so much as a shopping cart crash into them... and for them, insurance probably seems like a total waste. As for insurance being a gamble... close, but not quite. If you have (proper) insurance and are in a wreck, you will be compensated by the insurance company - that's a guarantee, that's what you pay for. At a casino, you could gamble your money day after day, week after week after year and never get paid... because there is no guarantee, no insurance against your losses.