I was rear ended today. Has anyone else had this damage and how much and what all had to be fixed. It sounds like my hatch may be off. The latch scrapes when it's opened and closed b
It's impossible for anyone to diagnose damage over the Internet. You're only going to get WAGs here, especially since there may be damage beneath all that plastic. If it were me, and I didn't have the insurance $$$ to fix the problem, I'd just replace the bumper and beat everything else back into shape with a hammer. The rear hatch issue is likely just plastic-on-plastic scraping that could be fixed with a couple whacks of a mallet (not on the plastic, of course, but what's beneath) C'mon, with all the "peace, love and vegetarianism" stickers on that car, it's only a matter of time before she gets rammed off the road. I bet she poops tie-dyed soya nuggets.
No I was and had been completely stopped at a red light for about a minute and he came out of nowhere.
Actually I do and I'm a vegan. And no one deserves to be hit two days after having to buy that $310 optimum battery.
For serious, just pry off the plastic around the tailgate hatch lock, see if anything looks bent, whack it back into place with a hammer, then put the plastic back on. I bet your hatch problem will be fixed that quickly.
I had pa I had passed him earlier down the street tapping breaks. He had an infant in the back so maybe cell and crying baby.
Why there? - Taylor's Auto is among the best independent Hybrid repair facilities in the US. Where is Sanford? - Just over two hours from Charlotte, almost due east. JeffD
Then why are you asking for quotes? If I were you, I'd pocket the insurance $$$$$ and fix it myself for $$. Too bad you're afraid of tools.
Why do you care??? You were rear ended, the person that hit you get the thrill of having his or her insurance pay for your damages! Just tell your insurance company you were rear ended, your insurance gets their money back from the the insurance of clown that hit you. If he has no insurance, at least in CA, there is no deductible, it all gets fixed! Just take your car to a Toyota approved shop, get it fixed! Simple... You should not have to pay a deductible, plus, their insurance should pay for a loaner car while yours is being fixed! I can not believe in 15 responses, no-one thought about this little detail!!!!
I'm asking because my c I'm asking because my car is on the verge of being totaled out. I had $5000 in repairs two years ago from hail (new roof and hood) then I hit a deer (new front bumper) and now rear bumper and possibly my entire hatch It's a Lego/build-a-car at this point and I don't have time or extra money to go find another
Does not matter.... I assume all of the prior damage has been repaired satisfactorily, that is fix and in the past! They do not total a car because of cumulative repair damage.It's a per incident judgement! The big point, you are NOT at fault, unless N.C. is really a backwards insurance state, which I doubt, I hope! The other parties insurance in not going to total your car because of 2K's worth of bumper repair and paint! I had a accident once, I bypassed my carrier completely and just went directly to the person at faults carrier and dealt with them personally, they new their client was at fault, I took the car where I wanted, submitted the bill, they paid it! NO deductible! This is the point where I also point out you had better make a call to an Accident Attorney! When you bring an attorney to a insurance company, things tend to get done a little quicker, and at no cost to you. Their fee is out of the settlement! The first call is free, call em, explain, just like you did here, see what they say. They may just push the button that gets the work done and saves your car! Your time invested in this as well as any injury is what attorneys are there for!
I had to replace my car bumper in similar situation. Bumper cost 250 unpainted another 330 or so for painting, molding etc. Total near $580. This is in Chicago area - Gerber. The metal door hatch - I cannot tell. I believe it is Aluminium.