Same with me. I'm pretty good when it comes to working on cars (kept my old '99 Civic running in top shape well into 250,000 miles, doing all the maintenance myself), and just assumed (out of ignorance) that Priuses just have normal gas engines with an added complexity of an electrical one. So, believing the myths about needing specialized mechanics, maintenance likely being more expensive due to extra complexity, and expensive to replace batteries, I never really considered a Prius either. At the same time, I was also never told that they don't have such horrid things as timing belts, belt-driven water pumps and AC, transmissions with clutch plates, alternators, brake pumps, and quickly worn out brake pads (all things I've had to replace, some more than twice). Had I known, Prius would've been my first choice from the start (though, admittedly, my "mechanic" skills will be rather underutilized now )
Same here, so now I spend a lot of time improving my skeet shooting skills. However one of these days I still need to fix several broken items on Ferrari. Just so sick of working on that POS.
Yeah.....Riiiight. That is just about the most moronic poll that I've seen to date. I get the premise, but there needs to be about 30 more questions and the granularity of the answers needs to be expanded to at least allow a neutral position - or a 1 to 10 weighting. Libertarian? A little. Leftist? Ah..... (*cough-COUGH!!!*) I don't freekin THINK so!!
I guess if you can afford a car built in Maranello, you can afford to shoot these days. It's a little tougher on the other 99-percenters out there. Still......You need to practice while you can!
Better stock up on primers and powder.... Awwww CRAP!!!!!! **** CENSOR ALERT!!! ************ I just noticed that this isn't the Pancake Haus. I'll cut/copy/paste 1,000,000,000,000 times: "Thou shalt NOT mention one of the Four Deadly G's in PC, lest thou beist in the Pancake Room!" .....We now return you to our previously sanctioned, liberal friendly discussion already in progress.
You are right! Even the reloading supplies are running low. I had trouble finding powder couple weeks ago, when I found a place that had them I bought 8 lbs of them just in case. same with primers, now they are limiting each customer only 2000 / visit. Same with wads, I couldn't find any .410 wads couple weeks ago. Had to bum some off other folks.
Obviously, with the rising costs and diminishing supply of powder, this means we must find an electric or plug-in alternative for our shooting needs, too. Then we can look smug while using our guns too.
Well, we already have it. It's call airsoft, I used to play that too more fun than paintball. However I always had the urge to use a real gun when I am shooting airsoft so I had to stop before one day I really can't resist.
I've been using the odd calibers at the range lately. Most of that ammo is in stock Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
I tried taking it, but the questions are written by someone who is so far left as to be unable to post the questions objectively that I found myself throwing up a little at each one. Most of the time there wasn't even an option available that reflected my position on the issue. There is an art to writing an objective survey, and this person didn't have it.
^ Concur! It kinda reminded me of a show that I listen to on NPR called Left, Right, & Center. Left, Right & Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Liberals like to think of themselves as flexible thinkers, but in the case of the above mentioned show (and the so-called political compass poll) it usually comes off as something like "Left, Really Left, and HOLY FREEKIN CRAP!!!
So I guess all those people that bought to first prii 10 years ago were nuts getting into something on the ground floor? Or efusco is crazy for buying that tesla? If nobody supports others efforts to "go green" then no progress will be made. Competition fosters innovation.
And what issues did those people have to deal with that I am not having to deal with now? Yes, getting in on the ground floor takes special kind of crazy. There's nothing wrong with a special kind of crazy. It is required to innovate. I've done it before, and some years I can afford the extra money, risk, and effort to play things a little crazy. Now that my footloose years are behind me and I am responsible for a child and an aging parent, I must be more conservative about risks to my resources. I don't have the time or energy to fool with avoidable problems--I have too many UNavoidable problems coming down the pike. That's why I bought a new Prius. Pragmatism. When dad has passed and the chicks have flown the nest perhaps and I can be crazy again.
Yeah I hear that, but my idea of going crazy will probably involve something loud from Sant'Agata Bolognese.