Looks like Elon took to Social Media Twitter announcing a big announcement this Thursday. Any guesses? LA Times
Lol! More likely he bought the NYT Announcement has been pushed back to next Tuesday. I really have no idea and try not to get my hopes up. Elon also made the comment that he is putting his money where his mouth is. So it could be as mundane as he is buying a second Model S. Could also be he is footing the bill for more charging stations. Perhaps he is buying 100 Model S and giving them to some organization.
This article says more stations to come. Perhaps that is it. Tesla Motors to expand Model S electric car 'Supercharger' network - CSMonitor.com
My bet is a huge supercharger push that he's paying for out of his pocket. But speculation is rampant (both on TSLA stock and on what he's going to do/announce). But he's talked about manned trips to Mars, hyperloop, the Gen III would be a HUGE announcement...I hope that's it.
Tesla did much better than my Apple and Facebook implosion. LOL Apple I can't complain I made some nice bank before I ran for the exits, Facebook well live and learn ...
Does Gen III = Blue Star? I hope that's what it references as well because I've heard too many rumors that it may be pushed back to 2017. This would quell such hearsay in the near-term anyway.
Vinnie yep delayed. Press seems to be at a loss on what it is. http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20130326/BUSINESS08/303260074/So-what-does-Elon-Musk-up-sleeve-Tesla-?nclick_check=1
Sneaky teaser, that Elon genius. ;0 Still hoping for Blue Star reconfirmation (though that wouldn't be so exciting).
Wonder if this has anything to do with it. A Mercedes that is powered by Tesla EV coming to the USA with a 115 Mile range. Mercedes, Tesla team up on electric car -Video - Personal Finance
Doubt it, that has been known about for a while, and I don't see how it would fit with Elon putting his money where his mouth is "in a very major way". I'm working hard on not getting my expectations up so I won't be disappointed if he announces buying another Model S for himself
someone speculated that he's going to make another $1M bet about the price and timeline for the Gen III...that would made sense with his history.
The smaller scaled-down Model S (bmw 3 series size) announcement? http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1079186_tesla-will-sell-5-models-in-2016-small-suv-and-sports-car-added
Is this a case of running before they can walk? They not exactly upto speed on the Model S yet. It's a big gamble, either they'll stumble and fall flat on their face, or they'll stumble and fall flat on their face. But saying that, he does have a history of proving the doubters wrong. I just wish they'd enter the UK RHD market more proactively rather than just as an overpriced curio.
Elon is sending rockets to space with a remarkable success rate. the Model S has exceeded expectations...I'm confident they can build a scaled down family sedan without falling on their face.