The car has been parked for a few months and i get into it and the navi reads unable to read disk??? so i eject it and its perfectly clean. I give it a wipe down just for good measure and slap it back in. after a few minutes and some hesitations it works fine.. Then it happens again like 20 miles away, just goes black and says unable to read disk then comes back on again by itself.. any ideas?? would a newer updated disk work?? i have 90k on it and this is the first time ive ever removed the nav disk, could the lens be dirty.. please help thanx,.
just tried it for 1 hr in the drive way, ac on full, no change, is there any way to clean it.. i dont think a standard cleaning disk will work because they need to be read by the player to move the lens right spot right?? and the prius wont read standard dvds.
Things you might want to try: 1. The disk is a DVD so try putting it in your computer and see if it reads it. 2. Get some compressed air and blow out the DVD slot of the radio. 3. If both 1 & 2 do not fix your issue, as a test you can borrow another owner's DVD and try it in yours. 4. Keep direct sunlight off of the radio in the summer. (I use a white towel here in Miami) It gets hot enough to damage the DVD disk. Good luck!
Buy a DVD lens cleaner, it should be fine for the Nav system as it's not a particularly sensitive system.