Hi everyone..... I guess I just never noticed this before..... after I backup from my driveway and then shift to drive when in the street there is a short "beep" when I accelerate to go forward. ( I just never paid musch attention to this before). Is this normal? ( I have a 2012 Toyota Prius) thank you
Are you selecting EV mode before backing out? If so, it is likely EV mode being cancelled. If no EV, then I don't know.
After reading this post, I started to look for a similar beep on my 2013 V5, and I think I found it. This morning shortly after backing out out of my driveway and swapping to drive I experienced "the beep", backed up drove into my driveway and duplicated my actions, no beep. Once again pulled into my driveway, turned off the car go out and started again. This time "the beep" happened. Here is my theory; Upon starting the car, I put in in reverse which brings up the backup camera on the video display. If the reverse trip is short enough, the Toyota "warning / disclosure" screen pops up once the camera view turns off, which at the end it beeps (beeping goodbye?). It is my unscientific theory that the mystery beep is the Toyota warning screen going away.