So people give Prius owners crap for driving too slow, and too fast. WTH is wrong with people against Priuses? Is it because it's a Japanese car? Or is it just they can't stand that we are getting good MPG? Lol @ People who drive Prius' and haul nice person everywhere
Just out of curiosity I looked up the word Prius in urban dictionary, look at what I found. Now, is it true? The Prius is the most liberal car there is? Urban Dictionary: prius
Good cover; if the masses ever find out about the advantages of Prius, it will increase the demand and drive the price up.
Yap, they will hate you no matter what. There used to be 2 super-long, never-ending Prius hating threads on BITOG at the same time. One about a Prius that blocked the traffic and than one about Prius "speeders." This is why every state will have hybrid surcharge tax and the general public will be clapping hands. Behold the power of oil industry propaganda.
LOL at the Urban Dictionary. I read all of the definitions. However, I developed vehicular thick skin the very moment I turned 16 and started driving. My first car was a used 1969 VW Beetle.
The OP was mocking Prius drivers who drive fast, but a couple quickly chimed in to say that it's better than us driving too slow. I tend to walk fast, jump straight to the point in a discussion and cut short other people's sentences once I understand them, so yes, when the light turns green I jump like a cat on a hot stove. It's either A) envy at our gas mileage and rapid, battery-assisted starts or B) the stereotype of Prius drivers as liberals. I am very much the opposite of a liberal, so it doesn't bother me at all, so long as they get their pokey Dodge and Chevy trucks out of my lane so I can pass. The Prius is just too much damn fun to drive to waste the experience by driving like an old lady.
While new to the Prius, my biggest eye opener is, while driving my Prius sensibly, watching everyone else zoom by, mostly in their gas guzzlers without a care in the world.
Reading one page of the linked thread from 2010, reveals that they are pretty ignorant. They cruise at 90mph and get 21mpg. Ok... When I drive triple digits sustained I still get double their MPG and I can carry more than most SUVs in the hatchback. You just don't get it until you see it or have it explained so constantly reinforcing bat$hit crazy ideas makes it truth.
Glad to see I'm not the only non-liberal on these boards. Wholeheartedly agree with your reasoning and can't understand why more people don't see the advantages of 50-60 mpg at almost $4/gallon. I've never been as concerned about being green as I am with saving it.
You may want to read some of the survey posts on Prius owners. There is no liberal-bias. PriusChat has everything between NRA members and vegans. Everyone is here and every kind of person drives a Prius.
The only Prius hate I ever encounter is on this site, with the exception on one foolish old woman in a Prius that made a snarky comment to me while I was fueling my Sierra. I think that a very visual minority of folks who drive Priuses are REALLY thin skinned. And then.....there's the legendary Prius Smugness. They've even made commercials about it......and let's face it. OUR commercials are something that Prius drivers haven't exactly benefited from.....if you know what I mean.
I've actually never seen a Prius commercial. I hate commercials in general so I don't watch anything that has them--except for the commercials that are good enough to watch on their own merit. I have watched YouTube vids of those Ford C-Max "Hybrid Games" commercials, which I thought were pretty entertaining. Anyone who buys a C-Max over a Prius is a damned fool, but I still enjoyed the commercials.
Nay--that is common sense! On the order of 3 MILLION Prius sold over the course of a fifteen+ year history versus the C-Max hybrid with total sales on the order of 12,000 and ONE year of history? The order of magnitude of difference in the carmakers' relative experience and histories in hybrids is staggering. That isn't smugness--it is pragmatism.