I'm just south of San Francisco today for work and I remembered to tell you that you are 1 to 2 hours away from a lot of great things Cali has to offer.
Well, it is a great state. Unfortunately, they are broke. So I'm sure they will be very happy to have you. Many of my friends are moving to Texas. They just can't afford the taxes. The price of gas is high but you have a Prius, the cost of milk is high but you can get around that. I just hope you have deep pockets, that state sure needs your help to bail them out of bankrupty. I live in Florida, I love hearing about the California experience I really enjoy visiting, but thank God I don't live there.
They have a 'special' name for Arizonans who visit California because there are so many who do - Zonies! I absolutely love visiting there - the entire state has much to offer. The weather is like paradise along the coast. Yes it is expensive but if it wasn't, everybody would live there. I think you will love it.
Actually most of the financial issues are turning around quickly. I think a lot of the hyperbole surrounding this state comes from disgruntled right wingers who listen to too much talk radio. It's weird because I don't know a single person who is leaving the state for Texas let alone for tax reasons. Mr. Perry's invitation is viewed as quite the joke around here. lol
Angry Elf all those photos are in fun. Welcome to California. I live in Carlsbad in the south near the beach. I worked my butt off getting to this place. I moved to Cali about 27 years ago. Great place. California has it's good and also plenty of bad. Your work in needed here. California has the worst unemployment rate in the nation. You can see people are struggling in all areas. Our Governor thinks it's OK cause he raised taxes. We have a constant berage of illegal workers and we pardon them and more come and it makes it unfair for the people who play fair. Violence in California is shamefull. However we have plenty of good. California culture is a pleasure to live with and it's liberal bend is refreshing for many. Yes the weather near the beach is excellent and the great natural beauty is Awsome. Drive to the national parks. LA makes movies, the Bay Area makes software. San Diego makes surfers. In the end We are no different than anywhere else. We have the good, the bad and the ugly. You and I know that life is precious and finite. Make the most of your experiences and when your old and grey and on your death bed hopefully the love of your life will be at your side and all you will think about is that Incredible journey your life has been. For me California is a part of that journey. Hopefully for you as well
Wow!!! I just don't know how to respond to this. I guess you just have to look at the dilapidated infrastructure in this state to counter those statements. You can't run a state of this size with fast food chains and health clinics for illegals. I've lived in this state all of my life, work hard and lost my job in this state. If I could afford to move out of this state, you would see a vapor trail from my departure. I guess you could say,"I'm stuck".
Yes those pictures represent one of our best Parks, Los Angeles, a Software Tech incubator building tomorrow's great companies, Balboa Park in San Diego, a Rancho Mirage Country Club near Palm Springs and the beach in San Diego. My San Fran pictures are on my PC or I would have included one or more.
My pictures are older, they are prints in albums 2004, fun memories! Trip thru cali south to north and parks and big trees. Ah! great time. I found one, Joshua Tree National Park.
Therein lies the problem. The people that pay the majority of the state taxes and create a disproportionate share of the jobs are leaving California, while those that seek entitlements are expanding their numbers through in-migration and higher fertility. These demographics are borne-out by the Year 2010 Census and 2012 post-census surveys. On average, cost of living in California has gone up, while employement opportunities for folks with technical, graduate and post-graduate educations have declined. I know dozens of health professionals, and particularly medical specialists, that have left California to improve their financial balance and to provide opportunities for their family members. I have enjoyed living in California for most of my life and hate to see the high unemployment that persists among skilled workers, in the Golden State, that is driving people like me elsewhere.
This is what I understand of California. 40% of the wealth in the USA live within a 20 minute drive of Brentwood, CA. They have money. The bay area is well healed as Well. The fiscal state of California is fonder at parties. The poor get social services. Free food ( food stamps), free healthcare ( Medicaid), free education, free income ( Welfare), free housing ( Section 8 HUD). There biggest complaint before was they were all located in the same locations. Now with the State of California holding back tax revenue distribution from cities unless the set aside housing for the poor the poor now live among the rich and middle class. The middle class are being hurt. They are over taxed and over burdened by high taxes to pay for these social programs. In the mix upper middle class jobs have been under pressure and now pay less. There kids are graduating college but no jobs are available unless you go to low pay at service jobs. HB1 visas are importing foreign workers into high pay engineering jobs and more resentment builds as our American born and educated Engineers are left unemployed and replaced with cheaper foreign workers. Times are strange in California. Also there is a growing resentment against the middle class as people feel there pain is caused by People who live in good places and drive nice cars. So crime is now increasing in places of high net worth as the poor prey on the middle class. California is in dire straights.
From your statement, sounds like your're in the military life. Try to learn as much as you can about the new local as possible be informed as much as you can. DBCassidy
These type of scams Is an example of good people getting scammed. Craigslist job scam lures people to Mexico | UTSanDiego.com
If I was starting out in California today I would leave for more prosperous places. My situation is different as I'm 12-15 years from retirement and the house is almost paid.