My local Toyota dealer is having a special where they're offering their 'auction cars' to the public. These are cars they would normally not sell on the lot, but ship off to a car auction somewhere. This specific Prius was always serviced at this dealer, is a one owner car, a Prius III with navigation. But it has 197k miles... They're asking $12,500 but the ePrice is $11,999. Is it worth it?
Just bought a prius with low miles. If you get one in the last couple of years, you can still have it under warranty and have everything protected against mechanical failure. Given, it will probably not have very many problems over the course of its life, but you can't be too sure.
Go to NADA and get blue book value for the car with that many miles on there. The HV batt will be over CARB warranty period (150k miles) so it would be nice to have some kind of 12 month warranty at least. If not then factor in HV batt replacement contingency then consider price.
A Toyota has great build quality and reliability, but at the end of the day it is still a car and parts/pieces do eventually "wear out". I personally would not be interested at that price.
Don't do it. Price wayyyy to high. Too risky. Can prob find many others with less than 100k for 3,000-4,000 $ more. Bad deal in my book. For $9000 I might may consider it but as others said I would insist on a 12 month hybrid battery warranty
If that car's been on the road for 3 years it's been accumulating around 180 miles daily, on average. Either commercial usage, some sort of delivery business, or some real extensive road trips? Either way, that's a lot of use.
The car's miles dont worry me. But that price is off the charts for those miles. 7-8 is more in line. We dont get gen 3's in often with that many miles, are gen 2's go for 7 ish with those miles. Im with everyone else. pass Better deals will come up if you want one.
My Prius II has 290,000 kms (~180000 miles I believe) and it's still going strong. Not that much rust and no technical troubles. Apart from normal wear of tyres and e.g. brakes. But almost 200000 miles and $12500 seems a tad too much... I'd look for a better deal: another Prius or a very low price on this one.
A car with that many miles is an accident waiting to happen. Move on better opportunities will present themselves.
August 2004, I'm the first owner. Over here such a car would normally cost between 5000 and 5500 euros at a dealership and a bit less in a private sale. So somewhere in the range of $6000 to $7000, if prices between US and Europe would be comparable. Which they probably aren't. ;-)