We went into town yesterday doing our weekly shopping, etc. In the greater W Palm Beach area we were virtually surrounded by close to 100% of "monsters." Many SUVs, tons of huge pickup trucks- (Many had diesel engines-Yuk). I have grown to dislike anyone who doesn't NEED either of those 2 type of vehicles. It's no surprise that the gas prices are still way too high. As I filled the Prius up @ Sam's club I noticed that I had the only practical car at any pump. Again I was surrounded by the monsters. It wouldn't bother me so much if the price of gas was reasonable, but it's not and won't be again. Thanks to the individuals who insist on burning off precious fossil fuels with no regard for everyone elses situation it hurts those who are least able to afford more $$ for gasoline. I guess the saying "money talks" hasn't gone away. I just wish Americans in general would start using their heads for something other than a hat rack and help out with the much bigger picture. I'm done venting.
It's not just in America. And here gasoline is $1.67 litre, which is about $6.31 a US gallon so yours is really cheap although I doubt if a substantial increase would in itself be enough to reduce the number of SUVs. Diesel is even more here.
It's an interesting phenomenon. Before buying my Prius, I didn't have near the animosity toward the monsters that I have now. I'm a live-and-let-live kinda guy, but some of these people and their giant SUV's and trucks just pizz me off!
I understand what you're saying. Unfortunately, the US's economy runs on oil prices being what they were until about 1 yr. ago or so. The US was told by our President in 1974 to stop wasting energy & relying on foreign oil. It appears nobody took him seriously judging by other posts.
Actually, I often find the intolerance of Prius drivers to be insulting. This post is a good example. /Jim
I find it interesting that you are even on this site as you are defending gas guzzlers. Regarding intolerance- I could care less.
The Prius is a great car. I think it is best in its class for a pretty wide range of applications. That is why I bought two of them. However... it does not fill every need for a vehicle... it does have its tradeoffs. If you want a car that carries more than 5 people (or even 5 people)... it is not a good choice. If you need to cross snowy mountain passes all of the time... it is far from the optimal choice. Maybe some people just value personal safety over economy... and even though the Prius has an excellent safety rating... it would fare poorly when in an accident with a much heavier car. If you really cared only about fuel economy... you would not own a Prius at all... and instead just ride a moped... or bicycle. Of course... for the vast majority of people... that would be a lousy choice because the bike would be too limiting. Similarly... a Prius is too limiting for a lot of people. That is unfortunate... but it is your choice to make. /Jim
What attitude is that? Because I was promoting tolerance I have an attitude? Because I feel that a person should be able to drive whatever they want to I have an attitute? Because I don't insult people who drive SUV's I have an attitude? Becuase I don't preach the Prius as though it were the Bible I have an attitude? Please explain. I'd like to improve myself.
So what if a Prius driver owns a monster SUV, what does that make them? I agree with DocVijay, live and let live. Personally I think you have no right to hate others when you are not doing all you can to protect the environment. One of my co-workers has solar for everything at his house...do you?? There are so many things we can do to be greener. For instance do you not take a shopping bag when you carried it to the counter? When out in nature do you pick up garbage? Is your recycle can fuller than your garbage can? Along with many other things. You better also go up against the overweight people because they eat twice as much as a thinner person therefore doing twice the damage to the environment, from intake and output. Prejudice eh? Sounds familier! HATERS SUCK! This is dead true, "Actually, I often find the intolerance of Prius drivers to be insulting. This post is a good example. " Most of this posted started making sense when I re-read these lines "it hurts those who are least able to afford more $$ for gasoline." "I guess the saying "money talks" hasn't gone away." Well that sure sounds like someone is jealous, although your wallet isn't as fat as others, you are taking it out on the wealthy.
I agree too. People have different needs for their vehicles. I notice a lot of the pickup trucks I see around seem to be construction guys. A Prius just doesn't cut it for that crowd! :lol: Howver, the thing that does bother me (now particularly that I am in a smaller car) are the HUGE JACKED UP pickups and SUVs. God forbid I ever get nailed by one. I am pretty much a live and let live kind of guy too, but that said I'd like to ensure I live if I'm ever in an accident with one. IMO, there should be some common sense rules about jacking these things up 4 feet off the ground. It seems inherently unsafe to others on the road. If you want to drive a truck off-road and need it to be that high up, fine. Keep it off road. Just like dirt bikes aren't legal on the roads I think these oversize off-road trucks should stay off the streets. Just my opinion. Don't shoot me.
Four feet?!!! You mean 48 inches? 1.21 metres? Some of us have never seen one of those. Anybody got a photo?
Just look at any photo of a monster truck rally! Yes, I have seen a few of those on the road. Unless you're traveling through swamps, what possible use can they have?
Where do you get the word hate from? I also recycle. I used to be bigger & lost 100 lbs. I would love to have all solar. The whole point of this post was my amazement of all the huge vehicles everywhere. I also used the word need in capital letters. The rest doesn't matter.
I too felt as you do when I became "aware" - but soon had a change in perception thanks to DocViJay and others on this forum who pointed out that my particular situation was not universal (I still have bruises). I have stopped being smug and have accepted this. We shouldn't judge others based on a snapshot of what we see around us. Sure, there are some out there who own a monster purely as a status symbol...something I'm not fond of. But there are others who fully utilitze the function of a large vehicle - and they couldn't live without it without making drastic changes in their life. You may see a young woman, alone in her SUV driving around and think "what a waste". But you may not see her on the way to pick up her 3 boys and their football equipment, or some other equivalant scenario. It may also be used in the family business. I personally know of a young active couple with 2 large SUV's, who are constantly out kayaking, biking, camping, etc. They have a need - but have also identified the need to have better efficiency due to rising fuel prices. They tried to trade in one of their vehicles but are so far upside down, that the cost to adjust their situation was more than they could afford. Their plan, in a few years, is to go hybrid (1 Ford SUV, and 1 HCH) once they have paid enough on their current vehicles. Hopefully, car manufacturers will someday produce these monsters that actually are more fuel efficient. Every bit helps. I am very confident this efficiency trend will continue, especially when faced with bouts of fuel price surges.