Well, I just filled up for the first time. The MFD showed 54.1 MPG. I got 474 miles with a fill up of 8.75 gallons (stopped at the first click). That's calculated to be 54.171! How's that for accuracy!! I couldn't be happier with this car. At this rate, it looks like my monthly gas bill will be between $60 and $75 depending on gas prices. Ken (A happy Prius owner)
Congrats! I just filled up for the first time last night - probably a little premature, but we were in Orlando and the gas was 17 cents cheaper. After 365 miles, the MFD said 51.1 - you had me beat! I started with 10 miles when I drove away from the dealership, and because he'd left the car on during his information session about the car, the milage was at 9.2 - eep! I've been working it up ever since, though! As near as I can figure (been a while since I took maths) I must have maintained a 58.5 milage for the remainder of the tank to average that out! GO US! and YAY for having a PRIUS! =)
I'm assuming you guys are driving long enough where the car is good and warmed up? I am only getting 42.5 so far on my first tank and I'm half way through, but i notice when I am on the open road it is steadily climbing.. problem is.. I am usually not on the open road for more than 10min before I have to exit. I know thoeretically it gets better mpg in the city... so maybe you guys are doing lots of city driving with the car warmed up?... I never drive mine more than about 20 mins so far. I would be curious to know: 1. do you make long drives? 2. do you city drive or highway mostly? 3. Are you in a hot climate? I notice NW Florida and Modesto Cal...I bet it warmer than 45 degrees there? Thanks.. this info will help encourage those who do not yet get that mileage if they can give account as to why.
Well, my first tank averaged 47.5 but the dealer filled the tank and was using the car for test drives when I picked it up. They put on the first 30 miles of the tank, so I'm hoping for better mileage with my driving. I love the car, it's the quietest car I've ever owned.
OK we will forgive you two guys (Kente777 and geologyrox) for not getting winter mileage since your in Florida. I haven't seen 50 mpg since October, I'm not doing as bad as windstrings but that's because there isn't as much traffic out here where I am.
Its a little cooler.. about 43 degrees out now and I'm about 11 miles on my second tank.. so far I'm now at 45.5 mpg..... I suspect it will stay that good if not better cause that is my typical travel.... about 13 miles before it stops for a rest. my very best mileage was when I drove it home from the dealer because that was a 44 mile trip... I don't travel that far in normal driving... I'm looking forward to a real trip to test it.
lol. I accept your apology. We did have a couple of days in the upper 30's. I'm now on my 3rd tank and still averaging around 55 MPG. I use my car for a paper route and so it's plenty warmed up for most of the mileage. I also have been honing my "pulse and glide" skills and getting pretty good at it. This car has really changed my driving habits (for the good). I see the MFD as a challenge to try and better MPG. Ken
Windstrings, My experience is the same s yours. On my first tank, no more than 20 miles per day. Average mileage increases everyday. Averaging 42.7 on the first tank. I'm always happy to see it climb. But I'm more than happy to driving a fine ride getting anything more then 40 mpg. (which is about double over anything I've owned before.
I have a simple air guage and I went and bought a nice digital. when I checked my tires.. they are already 40 in rear and 41 in front?.. I bumped them both up 1 psi.... if you go over 42... the air sensor may not work right..... I don't know if the dealer set it there or not? I checked it also against my cheap guage and the cheap guage that has the wand that pushes out said about 38?... I'll trust the digital.