Yes, that was a real post. I have been lurking since last Aug. trying to get this car. I realized when I got home that I only had one key, not 2 like I should have gotten. I read about the B Mode here and called about the key and the B-Mode. He just said different people drive it differently. Anyway I will not drive it in the B Mode anymore unless I am in San Francisco. I live in Southern Illinois and purchased the car at Kenny Kent Toyota in Evansville, In. Okay I have to study the manual some more now....Duck
Interestingly enough, I'm in SF right now, with my Rav4EV. Last night I drove from my brother-in-law's house four miles down to the restaurant where we were having dinner. It was down hill almost the entire way, and when I arrived, I had 6% higher SOC than when I left. I obviously use regen a LOT here in the city. My favorite part about being here is that there are so many MORE gasoline stations for me to drive right on by. Learning lots from Hobbit's paper on B mode... still not done...
I know the article's kinda long, and that's partially because I tend to write that way ... but there's a lot of info to pass on. Suggestions on how I could make it shorter, easier to understand, etc etc? I'm assuming a *certain* level of "wanting to learn" from the reader; I generally avoid too much handholding. . _H*
I didn't mean to snap at you, but there are tons of resources here at PC---though, admittedly, it's not always easy to find exactly what you want right away. In your first post it sounded as if you had driven HOME in B---and still got 44 MPG! But it was after you got home and called that he told you that? Also, not giving you both SKS units---dealer sounds a little careless. Do you have gray interior or bisque ("oak")? I have bisque and love its lightness after two years of gray on my '04. B)
Not too long... I'm just pretty busy, and am not home right now. I've made it through, and on first glance looks quite good. I thank you again for taking the time. Eventually, I'll swipe parts of it to put on my own FAQ, and I'll give my input at that time.
Darelldd, please make sure you give proper attribution when excerpting stuff I wrote... . FYI, there's a newer version of this thing up at which is mostly syntactic tweaks, and a comment about the "Japanese hypermilers" techniques that was added later. . I think I'm about done with this, though, unless someone else has input or corrections... . _H*