Does anyone else get bothered by the DRCC preempting the HSI display? I know you can cycle through the screens to get to the HSI while using the DRCC but it defaults back to the DRCC display after a few minutes. Anyway to change this?
It bothers me too and I don't think there is a setting to change this. My work-around is to put the HSI on the heads-up display, which gives me everything I need except EV miles, but that I don't need to check as frequently as the HSI.
That's my workaround, too. Kind of lame of Toyota to not have that built-in. I guess the thinking might be that you NEED to know that DRCC is on. But couldn't an idiot light serve the same purpose? (… make it blink if the liability issues make a solid light too sketchy for the Toyota legal team to defend.)
I tried the HUD option. It works ok but one of my uses, of course, with the HSI is to have the estimated miles of EV remaining for driving strategy. The HUD does not include that info. The DRCC display is IMHO useless (after a few seconds) and not needed--I agree a simple indicator light by the CC indicator light is all you need. Probably better is to use the display like it is an simply have it reveal status (the range setting) for a few seconds then revert back to the HSI automatically.
Nope, not a problem at all. Maybe we should swap cars so you don't have to deal with this problem any more.
Ha--The only imperfection I've spotted so far. Love the AT package. Really a minor thing that begs a simple solution. I maybe moving to CA in a year. This was a winter to forget !!
I also find this truly annoying. I know there is an option to disable the DRCC feature and may resort to trying that at some point.
You can disable the DRCC by pushing the cruise control knob forward when it is turned on but not set yet. It then reverts to a conventional cruise control. But loss of the DRCC functionality seems to be a bit of an over-reaction to the annoying display.
I tried briefly to disable DRCC, but there were different annoyances with doing so. DRCC vs normal cruise control isn't remembered, so every time the car is started, it defaults to DRCC. Furthermore, DRCC and normal cruise control +/- behave differently. DRCC increments are in 1 mph and changes to increments of 5mph when +/- is held down. Normal cruise control increments are not exactly 1 mph and continue incrementing/decrementing when +/- held down.
It pops back up on the display when the radar switches either from car in radar to car out of radar or vice versa. So if you lock in your cruise control pacing a car in front of you then switch the display to the HSI it will stay on HSI until that car changes lanes or speeds up and there is no longer a car in the radards range. Or if you lock in the DRCC and there is no car in range then change to the HSI it will stay on HSI until a car comes within the radar range. BUT... if you have the DRCC locked and a car is in range, then you switch to HSI if another car cuts in front of you (but not the emergency flashig type of cut) the HSI will stay up. It's only the change from something in range to out of range and vice versa that prompts the display to pop back up. Extremely frickin anoying i completly agree but once you understand how it works you learn to work with it and you'll find yourself pushing the display cycle button 1/2 as much.
This preemption of display settings is not useful in any way. It is annoying. Not even mentioned in manual that i can find. Wish i could turn it off.