I have the 3M Invinca shield. :x A bird decided to test its effectiveness. I washed my car, but the areas with bird droppings had turned yellow, so now there are a couple of small round yellow spots on the 3M. Has anyone also experienced this? I tried rubbing it off, but it's really stuck in there like it was absorbed or something.
A good wax job will protect the paint from bird poop; won't solve the discoloration problem with the 3M stuff, though. Sorry to hear that. Is your car a color where it will show up or do you have to look for it? Bummer if your car is white.
:? it's not noticeable from afar, only when looking at it up close. true enough, better it than the paint.
I've had the same problem. The stain disappeared after about 10 days. The car is parked outside during the day and maybe it faded in the sun. Give it a couple of weeks – it might go away on it's own.
Talk to your local large expensive detail shops to see what they think of clear bras, as they have seen more over time then we all have.