If given the opportunity I'll take my chances with the Actress which may be better than with the wild cat, although both may see me as a lunch ticket Albeit I'm sure the girl would not care less for such a commoner, and the cat if hungry see's a easy meal ticket in me.
I think my younger brother (the silly one who likes to be cool) would mess around by shifting gears unnecessarily in the manual transmission vehicle that he bought to be 'cool.' My dad said something about him needing a whole new transmission. The Prius is a very different animal from a direct manual transmission vehicle.
An old bull and a young bull were standing on a hilltop overlooking pasture full of cows. The young bull said "Let's run down the hill and get us heffer." The old bull replied, "Let's walk down and get all of them."
It's a deer hit at high speed. Entered through the kidney grill of the BMW. The driver was very lucky, but cleaning the deer out of the engine compartment?
FWIW, I didn't realize the pic posted by JMD might be from 2002: Courteney Cox - Courteney Cox - Transformation - Hair - InStyle
It's just good practice, recommended by some defensive driver instructors and has something to do with not advancing as far into cross traffic if you're bumped from behind and your foot leaves the brake pedal. That said, there's no reason that a Prius has to creep in drive except to make it feel more "conventional" to drivers.
From Prius links It's not such a good idea to put a Prius in neutral because the HV battery can't charge in that position. That's not true of all the other positions, including Park.
That makes sense, and even without reading about it (which we all should) when in stop and crawl traffic I automatically put the Prius in Park when in the predictably stopped phase.
I tried it with a much smaller one but it just bounced off, skidded, got up and ran off. (I was unfamiliar with deer protocol.)
Great explanation! But this suggests that some vehicles with dual clutch transmissions are exempted? You couldn't slip a mechanical clutch to generate creep. Does anyone know the rational or requirement for the delay in neutral selection? Also, why can the Prius charge in "Park" and not "Neutral"? Are the parking pawls used to resist some torque from the transaxle during charging?
Of course The Prius is dangerous. And don’t we love it for that very truth? The Prius dresses sharply and has that license to kill tucked neatly in the expensive wallet. The Prius kiss’s you and sends you out on the lake to go fishing…but you’re never coming back. That “Almond” taste in your tea? That’s the Prius. And it’s not Almond extract. When The Prius computer boots up? Instead of a welcome screen it might as well start asking you whether you can still hear the Lambs screaming. I really think Toyota needs to get Hanibal Lecter as the Toyota Prius spokesperson. “ I’ll answer questions about this Hybrid you want to know about….but it must be quid pro quo? So what’s first? Regenerative Braking and then you stay for dinner? ”. Hybrid Synergy Drive is a hidden weapon, a concealed knife. It’s victim- high MPG’s and emissions. Prius is a dangerous killer that we all love.