40.8 mpg 2nd gas tank @916miles ! Driving with care and still in the process of learning and understanding my beloved Prius v. Don't think we can ever get 44mpg city driving as advertised. However, 42mpg is our target and is doable. It would be hard to achieve here in Salt Lake City valley.
We're still in winter. Wait to make such judgements until after a full summer and fall of driving. Even us Cali folk lose 5+mpg in winter
I am in MS and my MPG has jumped in the last couple of days as the weather warms. Today is 45 onscreen, perhaps 43 at the pump.
Winter is tough on any hybrid's mileage as we humans like to be warm quickly and that means the computer runs the ICE engine early and often. I see drops of 6 MPG in some people who had been racking up impressive MPG and suddenly their mileage plummets. I thought it was me. Nope. I only lost 3-4 MPG. Spring is here...can warmth be but weeks behind (24 tonight)?
First tank on mine I avg'd right at 44 on pencil/paper calc. Car said 44.7, so pretty close. Second tank is avg. 46 on screen (haven't filled a 3rd as of yet). Not filling up probably for another week.....mix of suburban urban driving. I use the heater, starting it up early each morning (avg temps in the low 20's here in the Chicago area).
I have a C and the 2nd tank was 58.2 MPG, first was 52.4pmg and the 3rd was 54.8mpg. Doing good for now.