The Prius actually has more options than my Lexus's a very high tech car. And yeah, I haven't had many cars that take regular fuel, it is nice to not pay for premium.
Assuming we're talking about a similar price range, I'd expect to be out more than $2K/yr in sales tax alone. How does that work for you?
The cars have ranged from 7k-21K Last car I bought for 11,750 and traded in for 12,000 6 months later. When you trade cars in, you don't pay tax on the full amount, just the difference. If I was to lose more than what I do, I wouldn't do it, it wouldn't make sense.
With more vehicles capable of 40mpg or more combined I think your answer will vary quite a bit from early last year and now. The near future will be even more unpredictable. People who bought a Prius because of the stellar FE but felt like they were giving something up will likely be swayed back into a more powerful and/or luxurious sedan. Those who still love hatchbacks may be swayed by the Volt or CMAX. Reliability is still on Toyotas side but there is a lot of competition out there. Had I known then what I know now, I would have bought a Volt.
In your state that is the case. In California you are responsible for the full value of the car. That is why some may disagree with you on your losses.
OUCH Yeah -'s 5.6% on the difference IF traded in. guys get sunshine and ocean and all that good stuff.
Only thing good about Kalifornia is the food and weather. Otherwise everything else pretty much sucks.
Assuming a new car, by process of elimination. I don't want to hear the sound of an old fashion starter and I don't want to hear belts squealing as the car gets old. I have a little bit of the new car fever also, so I'm going through the same thought process. Sometimes it takes me a few years to decide on a new car, so it's fun to start early. My first choice would be a Volt if I could get one for a couple of thousand below a Toyota plug-in.
Subaru just revealed that their cross trek hybrid is coming out this fall. I'd love a 2013 Outback limited with special appearance package....but 30mpg hwy is tough to swallow.
Tough question, when I don't know what's coming down the manufacturing pike. Right now I drive the highest MPG non PIP hybrid on the market. Would like to see electrics become more range capable. I could drive a smaller car, too. Will probably stick to something that is as at the top of the efficiency class. Really wish Tesla would develop a compact hatch... Model S is a beautiful thing, but I don't want that big a car.
My feelings as well. I saw a model S in the flesh here in my town the other day and was quite surprised by how large the car was. I would like to have a Tesla more the size and style of a Prius than the Model S. I have seen some interesting deals on used Leafs lately. I may eventually buy a low mileage Leaf to supplement our current Prius. There is no going back on 50 + mpg.
This is my second Prius so I could always just buy another one but there is no need to do so, this one is still running fine and has less than 80K miles on it. If I want a larger more comfortable car the hybrid Camry would be my choice at this time. A Lexus would be nice but the nearest dealer is 200 miles away so I won't buy one of those. I was enthused by the new Ford Fusion Hybrid until the car came out and it became clear that even some experienced hybrid drivers were having trouble getting 40 mpg, far from the EPA estimate of 47. The Fusion hybrid is off my list. Honda is introducing a new Accord hybrid this fall, a two motor system this time not a motor assist like the last one. Anxious to see how it performs compared to the Camry.
If / when my employer (university) gets the charging stations installed they are talking about I'll be looking into a Leaf or other plug in. Current incentives from my utility company will provide free charging at night and $1700 towards a home charging station and installation. But with a 60 mile round trip trek to work I NEED a charging station at work to go gas free safely.
I could make a Leaf work with my commute distances- except for.... What happens when you get ICE'd out of a charging spot with a Leaf? I was ICE'd out of the only ChargePoint spot three times this week (and it's only Thursday!) at the municipal parking lot we share with the local court complex. At least with the Prius/Volt you can still drive home on gas power. FWIW- Yesterday I left a letter on the one car who ICE'd the spot two times this week- she wasn't there this morning- but a Nissan SUV took that spot so I got ICE'd again today! That's one thing you must consider when looking at pure plug-in vehicles- inconsiderate people who park in EV parking spots and block access to the charger.
I think if I keep the long distance commute, I'd only replace Prius with another but only after it needs replacing. If I lose the commute and get promoted, I'd love a Nissan GT-R, but more realistically, a newer Mustang GT could be fun.... even more realistically, I would most likely have to settle on a Hyndai Genesis Coupe or Scion FRS/Subie BRZ. I miss having coupes and my Sienna is my true family truckster.
I saw a Tesla S the other day in a parking lot. Love the exterior. Even Love most of the interior. The Dashboard is a total failure. Looks like something out of the 70's, stylistically, and the monster touch screen is just a bad idea. So thank god for the dashboard, otherwise I'd sit around wishing I could own one.
I think I may have come to a conclusion. I'm going to keep the Prius and dump our Scion for a 2013 Outback limited with the special appearance package. Hopefully I'll squeeze at least 29-30mpg hwy with the Outback. Wife really likes the Prius and wants to keep it. I will probably just use both cars for work. Prius half the month, outback the other half the month.