What's the point of shifting into neutral? In a manual transmission, we'd shift into neutral to save wear on the clutch. In early automatics shifting into neutral might save some where and tear. But the newer automatics and the Prius don't need for us to dork around with the shifter. In the Prius the engine typically shuts off anyway. Are you afraid that either the Prius or you will forget that people are there and hit the accelerator?
I thought it looked more like what happens when the lifeform in 'Aliens' emerges. Didn't know it could gestate inside an engine though.
Oh I'm sure they heard it loud and clear. Hopefully the animal died with little to no pain. I wonder if the photo was staged i.e. the deer was never hit by the car but shot, and posed for a photo in the car. The photo is on the internet so anything is possible. I only say so because the deer looks in tact no visable destruction that an impact can do like fur missing or body parts torn etc. I feel like Hillbilly CSI
If you believe in reincarnation and not that I do, I wonder what evil that deer did in it's past life?
If you've watched Mythbusters before, you may have caught the episode where they tested "old school" automatic transmissions to see if they could break something by shifting into the wrong gear (e.g. R while doing 55mph moving forward in D). They were 100% unsuccessful. Transmissions have been designed for a long time to NOT break themselves if accidentally shifting into the wrong gear at the wrong time. This would include trying to shift from D to "1" while doing 100mph. You can move the gear selector there, but the (automatic) transmission won't actually downshift into 1st. Ever accidentally tried to shift a manual transmission into reverse while moving forward at a high rate of speed? Can't do it either. It just grinds. Physics. Unless you're looking for 15 minutes of fame wanting to create a bunch of media hype for unjustified reasons, the Prius is NOT dangerous.
I have had my Prius since October of 2008 and can safely say that I have not even remotely come close to pressing park or shifting the car into reverse. Same goes for any car that I have ever driven. It is sort of like worrying that you could burn yourself by sticking your finger onto a burner when the stove is on - something that you can worry about, but really how often would it happen if you exercise a touch of common sense in your life. As to the question posed in the title "is the Prius dangerous" - yes, but no more so than any other car.
Neither. I just have never felt the need or compulsion to throw the car in reverse or into park while traveling on the highway - silly me.
Having already experienced one SUA (sudden unintended acceleration) earlier in this lifetime (not in this car), I wanted to know how to quickly get this clutch-less car into Neutral. R and P are the quickest methods.
I have heard that a car is a weapon in the hands of the wrong person. Maybe that was a MADD commercial. This is my 2 cents which with deflation is worth nothing. Use the car as the Engineers intended you to. Now if you make a mistake feel secure that the car has safety technology. However don't abuse it. So don't hit the Park button on the freeway to put the car in neutral over and over and over. That is not what it is for. Again just my opinion for what it's worth.
Ok on a lighter side you pick the cougar you want to lock horns with, the one with the whiskers or the one with the Vino.
The depressing thing to me in this thread? I remember when Courteney Cox was the "Young Girl". Now she's become a "Cougar"? As a contemporary, I'm afraid I'm not holding up as well against age as Courteney.