OH. MY. GOD. Most people just say how pretty their girlfriend/wife/fiance is... you know... just to be polite. That is not the case here! Man. She is WAY better looking than you, Danny. Nothing personal, you understand... but dang.
I added the picture in as an attachment now so you all can take a look at my purty lady, and here it is again if you made it this far in the thread without reading previously. [attachmentid=2032] Thanks for your comments, darelldd, she is even more beautiful in person. I hope to see all 11,000 of you at the wedding!
Congrats. The wedding plans will be a piece of cake. Just remember a few phrases. "Do you have any preferences?" (variations: "Do you have any thoughts?", "Do you have an opinion on this?" etc.) "That sounds good to me." "Whatever you want is fine." (Use this spareingly as she may actually *want* an opinion from you. That's fine. As long as it doesn't conflict with any decision she's already made and has her heart set on.) Now.....I'll assume you'll either use her car or hire a limo for the wedding. With a brand new Prius, you wouldn't let them put any of that "just married" wedding stuff on it now would you? (You don't want to start your honeymoon by detailing your car.)
That's actually very good! If Dad owns the Honda dealerships in town, it may be that you have a lot of help with the wedding. If her family is involved (meaning they are paying), you now have two women to please ... her and her mother. Follow your future father-in-law's lead on this one ... there could be dangerous times ahead if mother and daughter turn to you and ask you to resolve a dispute. If he has a look of sheer panic on his face, or even that look amusement guys get when they see a friend about to go over the falls in their kayak, you are in big trouble. You might be able to revert to the "male is primitive" stereotype and simply ask "Will there be beer?", thereby throwing the game back into play between the two of them. Or suggest a third alternative that evokes the "male is stupid" stereotype by asking "We don't need napkins if we're in rented tuxes, do we?"
Hey, if the wedding is in Las Vegas, all us Californians will be there and there are TONS of us! Better order a bigger cake!!!
Congrats Danny!! You look a little rough in that picture but as for your fiance....DAMN! I also am firmly in Dr. Evan's camp of marrying up. 15 years and two son's later, I wouldn't be anywhere near the person I am today if it hadn't been for her. My wife and I were both miltary officers when we married and she was the first female in a previously all-male military specialty so planning our military wedding with all of the Colonels / Colonel's WIVES, etc was a challenge. My only other advice is, take lots of pictures at the wedding and reception as they can definitely be a blur!!! Congrats again!!
Yeah, well. I am completely serious! She couldn't be *more* beautiful. Not possible. If you could maybe put it off four more months, I might have a car to drive there...
Congrats Danny, I can see the wedding now ! A wedding Prius with flowers and dangling cans... driving off into the sunset followed by a motorcade of Prius with flowers and honking horns
No way!! Don't you have any idea how much drag those cans would add...might drop me from 55.7mpg to 55.3!!
Congratulations, Danny. Do I see his and her Priuses in the driveway's future? We should all drive to the wedding. I can just see an entire fleet of Priuses. The town'll think it's being invaded.
Not sure about the his/her's Priuses - her father would probably disown her if she didn't drive a Honda. But I think the Element and the (future) Prius will look very good together in the garage. One of the more original looking garages in the neighborhood, I'm sure.
Congrats! And if you can't get the his/her Prii, then a Prius and Honda Civic Hybrid is a good alternative.