I was wondering if anyone could give some advise for the X-10 system. I would like to program one of the buttons on my HomeLink to shut off all of my lights in the house. Currently I have a remote, which will allow me to shut all the lights off at once. Has anyone been able to program the Homelink from a X-10 remote. I played around a little this evening, but didn't have much luck. It was getting dark, and frustrated. Perhaps a good nights sleep will help. I also checked the Homelink site, and x-10, but I can't say it was real helpful. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Peter
Check out the homelink.com web site. You might need to get the homelink lighting kit, or at least the homelink interface.
I have a full home kit. I have a number of switches hooked up, some outlets, I have some modules, as well as the 6 in 1 remote, which I use to control it all. I found some information stating that if you use homelink with lights, you must program that BEFORE the garage door openers. I'm going to try that. I think I worked out in my head the steps for the garage as well. I do have the rolling codes, so after programing with the GDO remote, I need to have it "learn" there is a button on actuall GDO. I'll post any of my findings.
For future reference. I did get it to work. First I cleared the memory, press buttons 1 and 3 on the homelink mirror for 20 seconds. Then program X-10 first. I used button 3, held it down, then issued the command for turn all lights off from my 6 in 1 remote. I had to press it twice, but then the indicator light blinked quickly on the homelink. I turned on my lights, then was able to issue the "all off" command from my newly programed homelink button #3. One cavate, I did MOVE my transciever to the front of the house. Last night I was having problems issuing the command from my remote outside. It was in the back of my house. This might have helped my reception. On to the garage door. I programmed per instructions in the Owners Manual. The only extra step I had was to train it, by getting up on a ladder, press the "learn" button on the garage door opener overhead unit. Then run to my car within 30 seconds, and press the button a few times. After that, it worked fine. Now after all that, the GDO in my 83 supra, still worked fine, home link worked, but the unit I just programed from would NOT! I reprogramed that and all is well. Now I just need to see if my fiance's GDO remote is working! :? If I find anything else out, I will share my findings. remember, X-10 first, then GDO. At least that worked for me.
I programmed one address of my X10 RF receiver to the Prius HomeLink button 2. I did it after I set 1 and 3 for my garage doors. For me it worked just like the garage doors. I have my receiver in the garage and use it to turn ON my front outdoor lights as I leave for the evening. I lost count of the number of times I've had to go back in and turn them on after I pull out of the garage. Just another great feature of this car.