I have the opportunity to have nitrogen replace the air in my tires. From what I read this is good. Less temp fluctuation no oxidation of the rubber. Any thoughts PIP Adv 2012 I was also told that any 5 bolt wheel 6x 15 tire size 195/65/15 from ANY prius will fit my PIP. ?????????
I have never seen a tire with oxygen damage from inside. Always from outside Also, PV=nRT should stand with Nitrogen, as far as I know. Same as with air so no better thermal stability or pressure advantages here. - Alex
helium, reduces weight and road friction for increased mpg's! all gen 3 wheels should fit, might be in the faq's.
And no one mentioned the GREATEST advantage to using Hydrogen. You get to run pretty lil green valve stem caps. That alone makes it worth it.
And if you get stuck by the side of the road at night, you can release it slowly, light it and have highway flare to mark your location.
IIRC.....both Corolla rims and all of the G3 rims will mount on a Pip (which makes sense....since the Pip is just a G3 with a bigger battery, a smaller fuel tank and no spare tire.... ) Many people who live in the frozen North, which to me is anything north of I-20.....buy snow tires for their cars and mount them on cheap rims for winter use. I'm not one of those people....but I recall reading where Corolla rims are a popular option for this application. IF you're looking to fix the missing spare problem in your Pip, then you have a lot of rim options to chose from that won't set you back more than about a hundred bucks or so. If you're going to start paying for somebody to increase the N in your tires by 20 percent....then you're going to need the extra money! :0 If you fall for the Nitrogen scam? Do me a favor. Skip the lime-green valve covers. I drive a Prius too.
Nitrogen in car tires always gets the funniest remarks, and so it should. The only benefit using 100% N on cars is that cold and hot tire pressure would not differ 2-3 lbs. period. It's a marketing scam so don't waste your time. Aircraft yes, cars no.
Actually I like it, in New England, the whether can change rapidly, the temp can be 30 one day and 60 tomorrow. Nitrogen keeps tire pressure stable.
Well I refer you to Car-Track.com See nitrogen in tires. It appears that ALL racing cars, airplanes, etc
You are speaking to an aircraft mechanic and I know why nitrogen is used in those applications. What you think you know is from reading a blurb from some tire.com. I say go for it, pay someone to put it in your Prius tires. It's your money. Hey maybe try the Helium while your at it. I've wasted enough time on this thread.
Don't overpay for it. If it is included free with another service, fine. But nearly everyone selling it is charging more than it could possibly be worth for a regular passenger car.
Prius owners like to think of themselves as being smarter than the average bear. I'm sure that there is some statistically rich data out there that indicates that Prius drivers are more educated than the population as a whole. So.... If you wanna put run N100 instead of N78? Vaya Con DIOS. You won't hurt the car for sure, and it's not going to be that much worse for the planet so enjoy the Cosco trips! Good Luck!
Because nobody can (or will) feel any difference between air and N2 in tires, I'm pretty sure many places that sell N2 will just fill your tires with air. Why would they bother purchase N2? They will use compressor to pump air into the nice green/blue tank, fill your tire from it, and will make $$$ on you. - Alex
My local Dealer uses nitrogen and fills my car for free whenever I need it. Not being an "airline mechanic" I don't know what the advantage is.
For those of us who are NOT aircraft mechanics, what IS the reason for using pure nitrogen in aircraft tires? The hot/cold pressure difference?
Question: How often do you have to bring a Prius to a stop on pavement from 150MPH while carrying 75 tons of cargo and thousands of pounds of fuel? Answer: about as often as you need Nitrogen in your tires. Aircraft tires...and to a lesser extent, racing tires are completely different than car and light truck tires. Aircraft tires are designed to carry very heavy loads for a very short distance, and they're typically inflated to higher pressures than you'll find on your Prius - and no....not for the same reason that Prius owners overinflate their tires. They use Nitrogen to prevent fires from tires bursting during landings and aborted takeoffs. There's a ton of information on the internet about nitrogenated tires. There's also a ton of information on the internet about how George Bush really coordinated the 911 attacks and what really happened to Elvis. Read and decide for yourself. I read a white paper on the advantages versus the cost and reached my own educated opinion. It's like the argument for buying gas in the morning. Yeah....theoretically there is a small advantage, but in both cases the juice just isn't worth the squeeze. One advantage might be that if you're paying for the N2 then it might encourage one to pay attention to their tires a little more. Like I said.....it's not going to hurt your car to increase the nitrogen content of your tires. I personally think that it's an utter waste of energy (in more ways that one) even if you're really getting pure, dry N2 pumped into your tires.
Thank you ETC(SS). Additionally use the chart attached referencing o and 40K altitude for the differential baro and temp. Then factor in the extreme temp of the brakes the wheels assys are attached to. I was a little short this morning, my apologies. Long night, lots a work and no time to eat...my problem not yours. If running nitrogen makes you feel better, then who am I to tell you, but there is no real benefit with your commuter. Anyway...new day and got some sleep. Time to clean up, dress up, show up and man up time. Clear all actives. Sable Systems
I agree you don't know if the ?tech used the green nozzle or the regular nozzle when he filled your tires, but in a month when you check the pressure and it's still at 42, and two months later when it's still at 42, you can assume the ?tech used the green nozzle. Love the hate