VIPER alarm problem.

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by itsmejto, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. itsmejto

    itsmejto Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    apex nc
    2011 Prius
    Hi Guys, got a sticky one here the local "viper install experts" can't or won't help me with.
    Their fix was to change it to manual activation mode.
    VIPER (AEI) model 5601 with remote start option.

    Problem exists since the alarm was installed in a new 2011 Prius by an authorized dealership.
    Dealer says "you need another $200.00 module and $50.00 to install it", but I don't believe they are not trying to rape me as I paid nearly $600 for the original install.
    Besides which .......................... three remotes on her key ring is getting ridiculous.

    It actually works very well except for one major quirk.

    After entering the car the alarm automatically disarms as it should but if the engine power button is not pressed before the alarm timeout (about 30 seconds) the alarm automatically re-arms itself.
    This is very irritating especially if you don't notice it happened.
    Also you can't sit in your car parked without it activating.

    The way I see it is that the Toyota electronics should have seen the "smart" key fob is in range and must have activated some parts of it's computer.
    So why is this signal not passed through to the Viper alarm to inhibit re-arming until you leave and the signal is lost "out of range".
    Looks to me like it relies totally on the last door being closed or the dome lights going out to arm it.
    Now I can't work out if the 5601 would allow this feature or even which signal line to pull from the Toyota's electronics.

    I can't get through to Viper on the phone and their site is hopeless and won't allow me to log in/register as a new user to leave them e-mail.

    Can the Viper Guru's please help with a few comments.

    please PM me for an immediate response (itsmejto at nc dot rr dot com)

    This alarm also has another unrelated major problem I'll mention now as it happened to me at 2:00am.
    Wife left the lights on or something drained the 12v battery way down and activated the alarm siren.
    I tried to cancel with the key fob remote as normal but it would not do anything except chirp a few times and continue its noise.
    The door locks would not unlock as they are of course electric, and I couldn't get into the trunk to get at the battery to charge it either.
    None of the Toyota electronics would work so I couldn't start the engine to charge the 12v battery.
    I eventually opened the doors with the key and had to cut the siren wire to stop the noise as finding the correct fuse on a system I didn't install was impossible.
    But getting into the trunk is impossible to charge the battery.
    I poked around for a while under the hood in the main fuse box is a large white wire (+12v) which you can carefully connect your battery charger to.
    Which reminds me to buy an old fashioned charger again as these modern computerized chargers won't charge a low battery . yes, that's what I said, it's electronics sense a battery that's not got enough volts in it to be charged .......... go figure that one ...................

    Bit like a Windows NT error I saw once .
    error: DISK DRIVE IS FULL, PLEASE DELETE ONE OR MORE FILES ......................

    So you try to delete a few files and guess what comes up next ..................


    True story that one....
  2. rrg

    rrg Active Member

    May 18, 2010
    East coast - NJ
    2011 Prius
    Per the instructions 5601 manual, you can disable some options via the fob.
    Look at the install guide on page:13 for programming.

    This sounds like something you might try.
    Timer mode
    Command: Press
    two-times and then AUX.
    Notes: Enables or disables the remote start timer mode.

    Hope it helps.
  3. itsmejto

    itsmejto Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    apex nc
    2011 Prius
    I really don't see anything in the user manual or install guide that relates to my main problem.
    Surely there must be a way of triggering a dissarm signal from the prius system to the viper when you have entered the vehicle to inhibit re-arming even if the engine is not yet started.
    The prius electronics know the smart fob is in the car alrerady so it needs to pass that signal to the viper.
  4. itsmejto

    itsmejto Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    apex nc
    2011 Prius
    UPDATE 03/25/2013 re: 2011 prius Viper 5601 alarm w/remote start.

    Well I took the dealer's advice and had them install a "no touch walk up" PKE 2102T (Directed) module today and it works great.
    As they can't get the original Toyota "no touch unlock" to interface with the viper correctly as it re-arms if you don't start the car immediately.

    So now I have a different problem.
    If you press the alarm key fob "unlkock button" on the alarm fob , it disables the alarm system totally and will not auto reset when you walk away from the car as it should.
    I have to manually press the "lock" button again to arm the system which kind of defeats the whole reason for the PKE module.

    (I now have 3 different ones on my keyring) The original Toyota one, the alarm viper fob and now this PKE fob) ................

    Sureley there must be some place I can find an alarm tech that knows how to do this correctly.
    Trying to contact Directed is impossible as they only want you to work with the dealers and their web site is hopeless for seriuos support.
    Seems this dealer is more interested in selling me more overpriced hardware than trying to do it correctly.
    BTW they charged be $203 for the PKE module which seems to sell everywhere for under $100 (plus $50 to install it)

    Someone please advise me (Raleigh NC area)