Today marks the 20th aniversary of one of the darkest days in the history of the United States. The count was low...only 7 deaths, the ramifications potentially huge. The impact massive. maybe not the worst event ever, but its affect on me personally was only eclipsed by 911. A moment of silence for the astronauts of the Space Shuttle Challenger
I was in 6th grade. Commander Dick Brown's niece was in my class. We had all gone outside to watch it take off...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....I was in the 7th grade. I remember getting off the bus and running home to turn on the TV...
I was at work, they had the TV on in the breakroom, and I went in & saw the initial reports when they said something went wrong. I remember customers coming into the bank, there was a pall over everything..... I agree with DaveinOlyWa,... Only 911 eclipsed that...
I was at work getting ready for the lunch rush. I went out to the parking lot to see it go up after it was launched. ( It takes about 45 seconds before we see it here in Orlando), As it went up it was a beautiful sight, it was a cold and clear day. Then when I saw the explosion and the way it was going in all directions I knew right then it was the beginning of an tragedy for the country. We all walked back into the restaurant and closed down for the day and went home.