Hi all, long time listener first time caller. Does anyone know if it is possible to program a key to run on both of my hihy and my prius so I don't have to carry around two keys in my pocket?
I don't know the answer (except that knowing that with tech, if you can dream it, then you can generally achieve it)... ...but what is a hihy?
OP..good question..I have a HiHy and now got a 2012 Prius. I would love to know if this is possible...carry I remote to open both
I found this discussion on Priuschat. It appears that the FOBs have a higher order of control than regular keyless entry FOBs and garage door openers (might relate to the difficulty of stealing a Prius!) and the reprogramming would likely have to be done at certain dealerships, if it all. IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE: KEY/FOB Programming Issues | PriusChat
Although I don't understand the technology well enough to know why, I believe the answer is no. BTW; we have 3 Gen 3 Prii and I would be delighted to be proven wrong.
If the two cars are compatible with exactly the same fob, then you should be able to program one of the cars to use a smart key from the other. There's a fellow in the SF Bay Area who can do this. They don't re-program the key; they re-program the car to accept the key.
Need someone in LA who does this. Thanks for info.. I just returned after a 2 day visit to Santa Clara yesterday but obviously I drove in one car
This makes sense, but I'm amazed that somebody has actually solved it. The car broadcasts its "VID", or Vehicle ID. When a keyfob hears its VID, it responds with its keyfob ID. So if you can get several cars to broadcast the same VID, then you could program the keyfobs & security ECU to accept the same keyfobs. I would worry about the keyfobs getting out of sync with multiple cars. The VID is stored in some ECU, probably on a separate memory chip like the one for the odometer. All you have to do is locate the chip, compare its contents to the same chip on another car, and then duplicate one chip to the other. Another few hours with Techstream and you'll hopefully have the car back working...