I had mine done by a company in Escondido called Mr. Tint. To do all nine pieces of glass, using the Formula One Ultimate Series film, it cost me $260 and two hours of time. I had the Ultimate 28 placed on the small glass pockets and the front passenger windows, while Ultimate 18 was installed everywhere else. I like that the film is a low reflectivity film. Do your research in your area as to who offers what for how much. You are paying for the labor time since most films are generally inexpensive, approximately $5/sq. ft.
Randel Your location works for me. Are there special California requirements? That is, police need to be able to see inside, etc. Also could you give me the address of Mr. Tint? Thanks, Tim
I highly suggest you do some research into the CA VC (Vehicle Code) online before you spend the money. Don't listen to tint shops, check the LAW. Check your city laws too. Some areas are more restrictive than others, and if you tint it to match laws in one area, but are pulled over in another, they might be in a bad mood and make you scrape it off right there (yes, this HAS happened to someone I know in the Bay Area). In general, you can tint side windows rear of the driver as dark as you want, but the side front windows can have minimal tint (some CHiPs argue none at all, check the VC, and if necessary, print it and keep it in the car), the windshield can have a 6" strip on the top (no lettering or other opaque graphics, just tint), and the rear window can be pretty dark to zero visibility IF you have side mirrors. But check the CA VC (did I say that already?)
My tint shop made me pay cash because 15% is illegal here but I've never had any officers say anything about it, nor do I know anyone who has faced any kind of penalty for too dark windows.
It varies widely by city/county. SoCal is pretty lax about it, but lots of cities in NoCal are uptight about it, especially Oakland.
I live in FL. I got stopped one time by a motorcycle cop for having the medium tint on the 2 front door windows. He gave me a warning. Now I get all my cars done with the legal grade on the front door windows. B)
Found a GREAT Place in Vegas.. DId "legal" on front 2, did 2 shades darker on the rest, and a visor strip, They give hotel employees LARGE price break- paid 175 for all. ANYONE else here from Vegas?