Green Car Congress: New aqueous rechargeable lithium battery shows good safety, high reliability, high energy density and low cost; another post Li-ion alternative Based on these data, it means that this new ARLB chemistry can ensure electric vehicles to run above 300 km [186 miles] for one charge, which presents great promise. An Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Battery Using Coated Li Metal as Anode : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group
Some batteries may not survive the 10 years/150K miles. Hope new, much better battery will replace the original battery. We may have a chance to get the battery and 100 Miles EV range. The battery shows an energy density of up to 446 Wh kg-1—about 80% higher than conventional Li-ion batteries, and much higher than energy densities reported for earlier ARLBs (30–45 Wh kg-1).
these articles come and go. batteries will progress slowly based on r&d financing. don't expect any major breakthrough's. and don't believe anything that comes out of china!
Overall the article is really informative, with many references at the bottom. This is not just a Chinese idea. And even if it was I wouldn't put the idea down just because of ethnicity. Possibly when the PIP needs a new battery these will be ready for cheap installation AND greater range. All good ideas do not initiate in the US, conversely all bad ideas do not initiate in China. Progress is a mixture of protection, greed, self interest and profit motive. All countries participate equally.
I'm still waiting for Aluminium- Air fuel cells (30 years ago?) so I can power my house with empty beer cans.
It is unbelievable: the charge time is 10 second according to some news report. (I do not think it is credible) US Car manufacturers are very actively trying to co-operate with the researchers to get this technology.
If this technology was developed in USA it most likely be killed already. But since it was developed in China they will most likely try to make a profit on it; so if the story is true we will soon see it in our cars. I'm glad it wasn't invented in USA :-/ I was looking it up and I can see that there was a write up about it in Science Magazine in 1994 Rechargeable Lithium Batteries with Aqueous Electrolytes
it's not ethnicity (there are plenty of brilliant chinese scientists and engineers. it's the government (read: propaganda).
If so, Three governments played a role in the propaganda: China, Germany (one author), and USA. (published in Nature)
yeah, i thought it was just the chinese. probably good scientific work, i have no way of knowing. from paper to production is a long process. maybe i'm just a skeptic.
Not quite Nature: same organization, but this is a public access journal (no peer review). That, to me, is the biggest red flag.