<vent> Aarrrrrggghh! I've been expecting my Coastal EV kit and it was scheduled to be delivered today. I was just downstairs in my shop for a few minutes and when I came up, there was a UPS post-it on the door! Coastal Dave apparently wants a signature and I never heard the bell!!! !@#$% I HATE it when that happens! :angry: :huh: </vent> Oh, well, I suppose it's not really UPS's fault. I just didn't hear him. I guess I'll have to pick it up tonight or tomorrow morning... <_<
I make them feel guilty at my house by posting a note that is true. "Elderly tenant uses walker, please allow extra time to get to door. Don't leave articles in front of door". I have them waiting and bringing it in the house. Our guy knows mom now so we never miss a package, even Federal Express waits.
I always leave UPS a note telling them it's OK to leave the pkg. I date & sign it. Of course it depends where your location is. Just a thought. B)
I often do the same thing. I live a way out of town and no one comes down our drive. We don't even get Tick or Treaters on Halloween.
I swear they hire ninjas to work for them. I stayed home once to get a package. I was upstairs and so was the dog. I was in the back of the small house I own, but the dog was right next to the front door. After a while I notice the post it note. My dog will bark at people walking on the sidewalk sometimes. This guy came to the door without a notice.
I try to have stuff sent to either my parent's address (I live a mile away from them) as they are at home most of the time or sometimes to work.
This is not really a rant on UPS but I had 2 diffrent packages delivered by 2 different fedex guys at the same time I have a video of it here. http://www.jaygroh.com/fedex.htm
Good News!!! (For me...) I had called UPS dispatch and they had offered to stop again this afternoon, but I was not going to be home. I figured I'd stop by the UPS depot this evening and pick it up. Anyway, the door bell rang just now and my daughter said, "It's UPS!" I went to the door and said, "Dude! You're here!" and he just smiled and said, "I figured I'd save you a trip..." I'm impressed. B) ...and I have my Coastal mod! B) I know what I'm doing this wekeend... :lol:
What I hate is when I get one of those notes and it says 3rd and last attempt when it was their first and ONLY attempt. I've also been home and they left a note without even ringing the bell. Mostly this is FedEX. I HATE FedEx. They are utter morons. They threw a box over my 8 foot side fence into the back yard. It was a $1,000 LCD Projector and marked "Fragile". Luckily it was packed very well and still worked. My porch is covered and hidden from the street and they still had to throw it over an eight foot fence. Morons. And they never delivered my laptop. I had to call them to ask where it was. They delivered the airport base station but NOT the laptop. When I got the box it looked like it had been run over, an entire corner was crushed. I lost about 6 weeks of my warranty because of I didn't get it until six weeks after the "delivery" date. The optical drive wouldn't read CDs after a week, probably from the banging and bouncing around. I had to PAY to have a new one put in because it supposedly wasn't covered by the warranty because it worked on arrival and then got worse until it quit a week later. I eventually had to have the harddrive replaced within a few months too. Same reason. I HATE FEDEX.
USPS isn't much better... I sent a box that weighed over 1#, and that requires you to hand it to a postal worker, not just drop it in the bin. I handed it to a postal worker, who then put it in the bin. Silly, but what the hell, it would get mailed, right? Wrong. Apparently, boxes over 1# fit the profile of a terrorist threat, so they need to open it. But they won't themselves, they insist you bring it in opened, and then seal it there at the PO. To do that, they returned the box to me. At my home. By USPS mail. Apparently afraid to handle the box sending it across town, they instead fearlessly (or brainlessly) sent it across town back to me. Apparently, they must have thought it was a "smart bomb" because they didn't believe it would blow up on its way back to me.
I have only had excellent experiences with both FedEx and UPS. As far as I'm concerned these are some of the best companies with someof hte best employees around. I've dealt withthem both in Florida and Texas, and even in two foreign countries (third world at that), and they never once screwed anything up. Ever. Maybe they just don't like you.
All deliveries drive me crazy, just a few days ago had to leave work for home to wait for a delivery that had to be signed for- "anytime between 1:00 and 6:00 pm". Finally about 4:00 the doorbell rang. Now I don't live in that big of a house, but when I opened the door the package was sitting on the porch and the delivery van was driving away - without my signature! While on one hand I feel pissed for taking the time off for no reason, I'm sure the delivery guy only left the package there because he could see my car (the Prius) in the driveway. BTW we get so many packages dropped at the door the local UPS and FedEx guys know all of our cars.
you can tell USPS that you want a sig waiver. then they will always drop off anything but that leaves you vunerable to theft. i went to the Seahawk NFC Championship game and had tickets Fedex'ed to me and they required a sig. $1000 insured value (4 tickets $250 each) and they just left it on the porch. it helps if its small enough to hide behind the screen door. but i get a lot of stuff (i build computers on the side) and its all just dropped off. sometimes they will leave it with a neighbor if its a larger package and its raining. i have a covered entry but frequently wind will easily overcome that.