Hi all! I have been in the market for a Prius for quite a while (have one on order now), but do get several calls about new Prius vehicles coming in and not claimed in the Chicago area. Would the PC community want my help in linking interested buyers with new Priuses (pl for Prius??)? Although I cannot determine beforehand what color/package will come in, I can certainly post info as I learn it, and can be contacted. This comes in the heels of people panicking that there will be a holdup on Prius arrivals, but I seem to be getting calls from dealers nonetheless. What do you all think? Thanks! -Steve
I think it is a great idea. Back when I was looking for one, some of us would share info, even if it was through private messaging more than the boards. Maybe you would help someone out, and maybe, just maybe, they might help you get another sooner. You may want to think if you want to include info on where to get it in your post... if you put it in the post, I don't know how the mods would look upon it, but on the other hand, if you have people message you for it, you might get your inbox filled up real quick. Mods, a quick help about contact info for dealers? Put in a post or not if you have info about a dealer selling one that is unallocated?
I think it's a fantastic idea, especially after all the help Jack06 got when the PCers from all over the country got together and helped him find his Prius in a matter of 2 days.
I do know that where I got mine, just this past November, the sale rep said they always received extras to sell since they were a larger dealership. That is why I walked in and drove away in mine the same day - no wait at all. The dealership is Team Toyota in Langhorn, PA., right off of Interstate 95. (That's North of Philly)