I had to say Toyota, because you really gave me no choice. I don't like Ford, NEVER have. Every one my parents bought when I was growing up was a piece of crap, and all my friend's Mustangs were noisy, poorly built rattletraps. Now, if you had said "GM Prius", it would have been a lot tougher decision.
Since you are new, I just want to quickly brief you that Malorn (original poster) is a Chevy/Ford dealer.
"GEO Prizm(I hate it when car companies misspell words) " You mean like not spelling the founder's name right ("Toyoda")? ;-)
buying a toyota vs. buying a ford makes no difference to the average working man. They both use domestic and international labor, domestic & international steel, domestic & international parts, domestic and international financing/ownership, etc. Only fools think buying a ford is "more American" or in some other way benefits the US more than buying a toyota. I've actually heard that toyota goes out of their way to build cars sold in america by american plants just so they can say, "we use more US labor than ford does." I don't have numbers on this, but if anyone does I'd like to see them. Ford would make all their cars in china or wherever if they weren't already stuck here in the US. Anything to make their cars cheaper, which they think is going to save them against the japanese manufacturers (listen up, Ford & GM - it ain't - you'll have to start making good cars again) The only material macroeconomic difference between buying a ford vs. a toyota is whether the fat cats who own ford get fatter, or the fat cats who own toyota get fatter. And either way it ain't "trickling down" to the average working man, despite what many evil/stupid politicians would have you believe.
Malorn, it sounds like you expect people to spend 30K out of some kind of sick loyalty to a company that repeatedly gives you as little as it can for as much money as they can get? Toyota prius has so many unexpected surprises and thought and inginueity I never expected. This only reveals how irregular your thought patterns are..... you seem to struggle with seeing the obvious and instead follow patterns similiar to why a teenager picks his clothes based on a hidden identity crisis. You have posed an amuzing question.... but the only way you can have a ford prius is if Toyota surrenders all of its patent rights and Ford slaps thier name on a car that toyota built. They seem to be good a stealing credit for others work anyway.. so why not? You buy your Ford and when it dies on the side of the road... I'll come give you a ride in my prius! Have you ever been in a prius yet Malorn?.... I hope your not one of those kids who doesn't like to try new food even though he's never tasted it before? If you have indeed driven a prius, and don't like it... then go get a Ford and do your part to keep them out of bankruptcy.... that should make you sleep better at night.
my first car was a FORD. Fix Or Repair Daily=Ford. Toyota... Not a problem in the all the time I've had my car. Or for that matter,all the time that my dad has had his Prius. I made my dad a traitor to what he taught us growing up. Only American Cars in this house... don't think he'll change it! :lol:
I was reading the Consumer Reports article about the Vibe v. Matrix. Both were recommended. The Pontiac got 1 point more than the Toyota in the scoring. The Toyota's reliability was Excellent, Pontiac's was Above Average. Interestingly, looking at things like wheelbase and weight, there were differences.
Good one! I always wondered why they did that. Was there another famous Toyoda in Japan and the car company was trying to avoid confusion? It doesn't bother me with proper names; people will spell their names however they want. I just think it does a disservice to kids learning to spell and to spelling-challenged adults to misspell non-proper words.
Yeah, but the Tauras was the first American car ever made that was designed, feature for feature, to be best in class. Prior to that, and after that as well, every component is looked at to see how much it adds to the cost. That's why you'll find the cheapest windshield wipers on American cars. If they can save 8 cents a set, well hey, that's over a million a year they save on costs. This strategy is predicated on the belief that the consumer is stupid and can not differentiate levels of quality. The Prius is the smartest car out there and I believe, the best. That's why I bought it and the reason for my PriusChat name.
From Computers to cars.. its hard to build good stuff and have it appreciated by the customer... they truley do pick the cheapest for the most part..... I appeciate PC forums as it educates consumers so that they can make an informed choice and then really appreciate what they have once they get it! Can you imagine how many people get this car and don't have a clue of what they really have and the technology involved to get it? Technology only scares most people.. the prius can be very non intimidating as all you have to do is "just drive it!" Yet on the other hand... you can get lots of extras to get really techy if you want!
I agree with you. When I was in the market for a new car I knew that I wanted a hybrid, as to which brand I was not certain. I spent months researching various vehicles and the Toyota Prius came up on top every time. I don't know abut anyone else here but I work hard for my money and I do not want to put my hard earned cash into a vehicle that does not have a good reputation for performance and reliability. It has absolutely nothing to do with being patrotic at all.
Ford is cool and all. I appreciate a car company who is build on American soil. The truth is, Ford has been too conservative. It's a company whome everyone knows about. A lot of poeple even known what cars Ford makes. It's simply well known. Unfortunetly they have stood in a position where they tried not to offend anyone. A simple family car. Sure, they work, but they have problems. All in all, Toyota is a better built vehicle. Even if ford and toyota had the exact same vehicle, i would trust toyota. Only because i know toyota probably tested their technology more.
The very first new "off the lot" car I bought was a Ford Pinto station wagon. Needed the room - I was in a band and it was in the days of large amplifier stacks Somewhere around 13,000 miles the clutch needed replacing - just outside of warranty. Cost me much more than I could afford - figured a new car would hold up all of the repairs for awhile. The mechanic told me that Ford had used a plastic nut on the clutch wire instead of metal. Probably saved Ford $0.015 and cost me over a $1000. I was young and stupid then (now I'm old..) didn't know enough to fight this one. Swore I'd never buy a Ford again. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cars later I've still never bought a Ford. Had to drive two as company cars, but wasn't my money. As soon as the fleet offered a non-Ford option I switched to GM. Less than 2 cents in savings against tens of thousands of profit so far and my wife and I will probably buy at least 6-10 more new cars if we live average lifespans. Can't imagine any of them will be Fords. Cheers, Jeff