A trip that would have pushed me closer to 5K a month ago did not happen so I had rescheduled my Prius's 5K "well baby visit" for today... since I purchased my Prius six months ago a large entry garage was built on the service department of the dealership - you pull up to the garage door, a sensor triggers the door and you pull in. Leave the keys in the car and head right to the desk to check in... Service waiting room had wireless service... a definite plus and the whole appointment was about 50 minutes. I was on my way after scheduling the 10K visit and the salesman who sold me the car came over to chat and say "Hello." Guess he saw my cover shot of diving in the ocean in January - I work in a very small New England town and he said he remembered me even without my glasses when he saw the picture. Months after my polar plunge went on the Internet and in print I still get positive comments on it.
LOL! I just think the salesperson was happy with what he earned with my purchase and hopes I can someday earn him a commission like that again. Have to add as a side note, the friend I have been seeing lately knows a lot about Prii (In fact, he knows them very, very well!!)... our dates usually involve some sort of conversation about the Prius... definitely two branches of my dating "trifecta" - coffee and Prius... He has not yet met my "girls" in the backyard.
I'm so happy for you. See it all works out in the end. Well have him over one Saturday night and make him a nice dinner with 2 candles on the table, have him bring the wine, and see what develops... the next morning show him the horses
Do you think he is the one or too soon to tell or heck just got my freedom can a Girl just have some fun?
JMD - while not the "Blueberry Festival" you mentioned on another thread, maple syrup production was a hot topic!
For what it is worth, I am enjoying his company immensely. To laugh and to just have fun is freedom enough from the life I left behind last year.
For what it is worth, I am enjoying his company immensely. To laugh and to just have fun is freedom enough from the life I left behind last year.
So do you have a nice outfit picked out that shows all the assets In favorable light or you doing some shopping soon?
I wish I was there watching you make him all weak in the knees. Something about a girl flirting and glowing just makes it special
Sounds like a great start. Have fun and enjoy every moment. You definitely deserve a great experience.
That Alicia Keyes song... "Girl on Fire" - my theme song. Caught him driving out the in entrance on the way home after a good night kiss... oh my!