I'm a new Prius C 2 owner. Just had my 6 month check up. I can call and ask the dealer this but thought someone here could help me. Since I had the 6 mo. check up and service, I keep getting a two-toned beep. (For the musically-inclined, it sounds like "Do - Mi".) It happens quite often and I cannot connect it to anything that's happening or to anything I'm doing. IOW it seems completely random. I read the manual from Start to Finish and find no mention of this. Any thoughts?
Sure it's not Blue Tooth connecting to your phone? it should happen every time you turn on and turn off the car.
Easy way to test this. Put your phone on silent, then start your car. If it still does it, it's not your phone.
i was freaking out a few months back, was driving and kept hearing this beep every 20 seconds or so, almost like a doorbell sound, music would dim, then "ding ding" couldnt figure it out, was getting really frustrated. then realized it was coming from the song that was playing that i had aquired off the internet... :/
I also have the 2 but have not experienced the sounds you are describing. However, if it only started after you took it in for service, I wonder if the mechanic forgot to reset something and this is a "needs service" warning of some kind. Are there any icons lit on your dash? Besides the usual, I mean...