I'm looking for something shorter but also stronger than the OEM.
No, I haven't tried this one - but it looks good. Wonder if reception is as goos as the original antenna.
Does look good. I would probably try a black one for my baby. If anyone knows how good the reception is, that would be informative.
For that price how wrong can you go? Toss the long one in the tray over the spare tire you may want it if you go on a trip out of town.
I bought one of the short ones similar to that one (about 4.5 inches) and it works fine in central Long Island.
If you scroll down, he has more antennas' listed. They all fit the Prius. The 4" black one looks very cool!
I bought that exact antenna in black from the same e-bay store and have found no difference in signal strength. It was easy to install -make sure to tighten it. I live in Washington DC -which means flat topography. I use XM more than I use FM though, so I may not be the best judge.
Well, I bought a 2.4 inch black one (I like the short, stubby look that is on most of the German cars now)--I'll report on reception after I get it.
Actually, I bought a 2" antenna on eBay shortly after getting my Prius (in part for car wash convenience). In the Dallas Metro area, reception is very good. When I drive "cross-country," I switch to the original OEM antenna for better weak station reception. My 2" antenna was shipped from Germany - haven't noticed their ads on eBay lately.