I have a 2010 Prius III, 30k miles, with the lease expiring on 4/5/13. I have three original tires with one newer one. How was your lease return with Toyota? Any coments/tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Doug
Just make sure you have more then 50% tread on your tires or you wil be dinged. If you have any large scratches, get some polish and clean them up. most are accepted but you can soften the bad ones up and get them in under the radar, [if you have them] We are pretty easy about lease returns, we want to retain our customers.
Bring it back at like 8:30 on a Friday right before closing. Most likely they will take a quick walk around it and say ok. Sign the paperwork and run. At least that's the way I did my two minivans.
Make sure the paperwork they give you and you both sign states that everything is in good acceptable condition. When I turned in a lease vehicle years ago I got a letter from the lease company wanting more money for something they thought was excessive wear and tear. I told them to read the form I had stating everything was received in good condition. Never heard another word about their problem.
Check trade-in value vs. residual... If you are in the black, ask dealer to take it as trade-in and pay off residual, giving you the equity. This assumes you are leasing or purchasing another vehicle from that dealership. Just did this and had 1k in equity...