So far I have hauled piglets, and chickens in our Prius. My truck died so the last 2 weeks my wife has brought home feed after work. Not as much as I get with the truck, but just enough to carry us over until the next truck is ready to use. She gets ten 50-pound feed bags each time.
I shot trap last weekend at our church's men's retreat. I hadn't shot in over 10 years. We had 2500 rounds of 12 ga and I had to do my part to scare clays (too many still whole) out of the sky. I tried 4 different guns and decided to shop for a Remington 870 this spring.
Yea! I have a good friend that shoots skeet in Minnesota and is very good at it. I watched him many times and my son reloads also. Just put the Judge out there to see if anyone would notice! Cheers!
That's what I have. A Browning Citori 425, Grade 1. Bought it 20 years ago, still worth about $4000. It came as a 12 gauge, I down sized to a 20 using tubes, now 410. 410 have no recoil what so ever, but not too many BBs. I went from 23, 24 average to 18,19 now. So looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me. My first shotgun was a Remington 870 express 20 gauge, that's what I started shooting skeet with. I definitely recommend a 20 gauge as a starter, the 12 gauge just beats you up too much not so much fun after 2 rounds. You can shoot the 20 gauge all day without feeling any pain. Glad to see that there are other Prius owners that shoots clay.
I can sit out on my patio and hear the sheet/trap shooter over at Whiitier Narrows. I've been tempted to go out and buy a "gauge" and start up the hobby...again. I could kick myself in the nice person for selling my 870 20Ga.. Divorses will make you do dumb things.
I have horses and chickens/ducks and a rabbit so when I was admittedly lazy and did not feel like driving north to the gas station that has the diesel for the truck, I took the Prius. The Agway staff get a chuckle on the days I take the Prius... and can't believe I can get the feed in that I purchase. Cargo that day... 150 lbs of Nutrena Senior (3 bags) 150 lbs of Safe Choice Regular (3 bags) 100 lbs of Safe Choice Perform (2 bags) 100 lbs of Agway hen pellets (2 bags) 50 lbs of scratch grains (1 bag) 25 lbs of rabbit pellets (small bag) This is when the gentleman helping me load the grain looked doubtful when he saw the Prius and asked, "Don't you think you need a truck?" and I said "I have one but didn't feel like fueling it up." Then groceries for me and a leaf rake for cleaning the yard. If I had liked and purchased the v I probably could have fit my smallest miniature horse in there as well.
The friend I am seeing laughed when I asked when they were coming out with a Prius gun rack... (He also hunts and thought that would be a great accessory...) I said I might give someone a stroke if I pulled up with the Prius at the venison processor's place with a field dressed deer in the back, dressed in camo and blaze orange. Luckily that job is relegated to the truck bed, which is easy to hose out after a successful hunt.
I have to admit that I've hauled some pretty ominous stuff in my Prius, fertalizer to be exact. Of course, I had to use a large tarpoline to mask some of the smell. BTW, it wasn't bulk. It was bags...twelve at a time X 2 trips. I definitely got some strange looks at Home Depot. In the end, I did have air out the car but suffered no long term affects. I guess you have to do what you need to do do !!!
Or will make you go for firepower... the ex wanted the swords, I said the guns are mine. And have a new friend who likes bowhunting and wants to get me set up and ready to go - a far cry from the ex who did not want anyone upsetting his bowhunting. Life IS good!