. No, there are 5 wires on the standard 110 power cord, for 220-240 there would be 6. Two smaller guage wires are sensors, but where would they hook up going into the house. OR, do they terminate at the brick? I don't plan on taking my brick apart just to see.
there is no brick with level two. whatever you call the unit (charging station? same as brick i guess) plugs into the wall outlet. my outlet has only 3 wires from the breaker box to the outlet, some have 4. you are correct, the wires from the car back terminate at the wall unit.
Andy, I think you are confusing the number of wires coming out of the EVSE with the number of wires going into it. Only 3 electrical wires are necessary for both the portable 120V EVSE brick and a 240V EVSE. In the case of the 120V brick those wires are the hot, neutral and ground. For the 240V EVSE, 2 hots and 1 ground. The sensor and pilot signal wires are hooked up to the electronics inside the EVSEs which generate the necessary signals.
In a 3-wire 240V outlet, like a dryer outlet, you have 2 hots and 1 neutral. In a 4-wire outlet, you add a ground wire. Code these days requires a 4-wire outlet.
The poll choices are pretty strange. Coda? Why??? Why is the Rav4 EV and Leaf missing, esp. the Leaf? Why is the HyCam there but not the regular Prius?
op has been a member for 5 years, and most of his posts have been about how to decide which prius to buy. talk about undecided! i think he is having a hard time getting a handle on the industry in general. i suspect he is still walking.