Just took "Bane" the habanero C on its first trip other than my 100-mile-per-day commute. Went from east Texas to ski at SIPAPU, NM. No less than 3 people stopped us to discuss the car, ask about mileage or comment on the loud color! Very interesting. One guy asked me "how many miles to the gallon you get in that thing? 35?" Haha!! I just happened to have my Fuelly page open b/c I was updating it, so I was able to show him that on that tank I got 49.3! (The car showed over 50). He was flabbergasted. He couldnt believe it. Low points: putting 1600 miles on the car (ouch), getting caught in a HAIL STORM (double ouch but no damage as they were pea-sized), and having the outside and inside both be trashed with mud, food etc. Blech. But a major upside was that we spent way, way, WAY less in gas than we did when we made the same trip in Dec in my wife's old Honda CRV. Had planned in posting a pic of Bane in the "exotic locale" photo thread, but when we left we were trying to beat the snowstorm off the mountain so we didnt really wanna stop Saw another habanero c parked at the national guard armory near Belton, Tx. Is that anyone here? Haha. Now I can't say mine is the only habanero I've ever seen in person!
people seem to love the habanero color, had a few people stop me to talk about the car or tell me cool car.
Habanero is definitely a conversation starter. I either have the people that LOVE the color or I get the people (people I know) that ask me why I bought an orange car. I like standing out though
I've received so many comments on the color as well. I drove through the lot at Ikea the last time I was there and a guy mouthed to me "awesome color" while I was still parking. My favorite is when other drivers jerk away from me because I startle them
It blends in with all the other silver cars. I came from a Yellow Saturn SC2. My wife is still trying to decide which is worse.
I guess that aphorism about talk being silver doesn't apply in this case. But seriously, there's something to be said for anonymity. I'll leave it to others to stand out in the crowd. In the meantime, silver is more visible. Some statistics show silver gets into fewer accidents. (Although one must be cautious about citing statistics, because you may assume an improper cause-effect relationship. It may be a silver car gets into fewer crashes because it's more visible; on the other hand, it may be a silver car gets into fewer crashes because the kind of person that chooses the silver car tends to be a more careful driver.)
So far I've only had 2 people discuss my C with me since i got it last May. One was a Canadian. Customs officer at a border crossing! Seriously. He spent 10 minutes checking it out (no not the contents). He had never seen one (this was last June ). He kept saying how cool it was. He even sat in the drivers seat. I couldn't believe it. It was a slow morning at a small crossing on 97 in. Bc/ Washington