Didn't see a thread on this yet, and saw someone ask about it in another thread. I've always though (as useless as a 6" wiper is) that it would be more useful if it was switched around. Doing some looking... Here you can see the Japanese model. Steering wheel on the right side (as they drive on the left). And a US model. Wiper is in the same position. Shouldn't it be reversed?
It should be. This has been complained about many times in the 'what I don't like about my c' thread. I don't think it is really that bad, but it could absolutely be better.
longer wiper might hit the spoiler... and i'm not sure how it could be backwards.. the area it wipes is right in the center.. even if you flip the wiper around, it'll just wipe the same, similar area.. slightly different, but essentially the same.
Is it that close? I haven't really checked and I'm parked facing my office window so I can't check at the moment. Will have a look during lunch (which should be any minute now).
i'd say perhaps you could get something another 0.5" or so longer? but anymore and it won't clear the spoiler... easy.. just turn on the wiper and see how close it gets to the spoiler when it's at its peak... it's pretty close.
With a long narrow window a wiper with some sort of elbow in the linkage is more effective. Something that allows it to shift laterally as it pivots. Of course this is not readily DIY, just saying. I think the regular prius driver's side wiper is like this, but not sure, just going from memory. As an example.
indeed a design like that would have been more effective... though unsure on how much it would cost to design and manufacture.. adding to the MSRP. honestly, i rarely use mine during rainy conditions... perhaps snow i could see a bit more useful.. but overall.. i could live without one if i needed to.
I would say you could get a wiper blade that is maybe 1" total. This would give you an extra .5" on either end and you should be good. But I wouldn't go more than that or it will definitely go over the edge of the window. The wipe isn't centered. It edges up on the passenger side giving it more viewing area, which is great for the people that drive on the wrong side of the road. But us Yanks get the lesser viewing area. It isn't that much, but it is there. Squall, not sure how you ignore it, but I have to have it on while driving in the rain. All the rain water blows up and I can barely see out the back without turning it on.
window/glass treatments are how i usually are able to do well in poor weather conditions. i'm a fan of a product called "Rain Clear" Unelko - Unique Surface Care Technologies For Home, Auto & Professional Maintenance! - Water Repellents, Surface Treatments, Protective Coatings, Preservation, "preventive cleaning" of surfaces in homes, autos and public buildings. which lasts a lot longer than any Rain-X product I've used... same guys who invented rain-x.. but this stuff is just so much better. with a good application... i don't even have to use my front wipers when it rains.
Do you have anymore of the AQUA emblems? I'm wanting to do the same thing. People here in the south just hate the Prius, but if they saw an AQUA, they'd have no idea what it was.