I love the Balboa Park area. We're thinking of moving out of Foothill Ranch and getting closer to the beach like in Corona Del Mar. Just have to downsize to a smaller place and lose my spacious 2 car garage. <sigh>
It's worth it though. The beach vibe and affluence is worth it. You only go around once make the investment when your young. Real estate is all location location location.
200 miles running so far in 2013. 90 miles this month. I'm averaging just under 8 minute miles for 10K distances. Alas, it's still too cold in the upper midwest to run outside yet. Maybe one or two more weeks of winter and then no more treadmill until December - hopefully.
Just shy of 300 miles run so far in 2013, all but about 3 have been outdoors. The dreadmill and I simply cannot get along for more than about 3 miles, so unless it's cold and rainy, I'll be running outside. Hopefully I can find the time to get more cycling miles in too - this year has started off relative slow in that regard. Last year I logged just under 4,000 miles, but ran less. Some PRs: 22 min 5k (race) 1:20 10 miler (while training for next month's Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 miler) 1:49 half marathon (race, and my first HM) 6:50 has been my fastest mile, which was part of a longer race. 20 miles - longest run thus far
Hmm.. the calorie burn counter for cycling seems quite a bit off. 13mph is so slow for a 180lbs rider, who has some level of fitness, that his/her heartbeat won't even go over 110bpm. Fat burning is more like 140-160bpm, depending on where your lactate threshold is. The sites I'm using for tracking is strava and for a 2 hour, brisk pace (19-20mph) ride it is calculated to be burning ~1500 calories. So either those numbers up there are for a completely untrained bloke or they just like to make you feel good about your exercise.
I'm sure it's way off, the Internet is just a fountain of miss information. Got it from a trainer on twitter. I think it was a photo of a poster in a gym from the camera flash glare
No matter what the numbers are and how many miles you run/cycle/swim/exercise, you are still running laps around a couch potato.