So I'm flying up to Detroit on Feb 3rd to watch the Super Bowl. What I'm wondering is, is it OK to wear gear from a team other than those playing? I'm a hardcore Buccaneers fan. This year neither the Steelers or the Seahawks played the Bucs. Does that matter? It's going to be freaking COLD in Detroit in February, and I have a nice warm Bucs jacket. Should I wear it? Or should I wear some non-denominatinal, neutral color. Or should I just pick a team (the Steelers) and go with them. What is proper Super Bowl etiquette?
Just don't wear one of those tops with the flip-open breast flap. We'll NEVER hear the end of it. :blink:
This is one area of my life I've resolved to be totally irrational. What a football team does has nothing to do with me, really, but I still tie my emotions to it. I'm happy when they win and upset when they lose or play poorly. I never give up, regardless of the score, and I cheer for them in playoffs even if they're not playing. I've been hooked since I was 5, and last year lost my dear friend Eric, who I shared my irrationality with for 35 years. In all those years, our team one the championship once. So yeah, Doc. Wear your jacket. Paint your face. Go nuts. Go Riders!
Detroit's an NFC town. They disdain the AFC as Detroit Iron disdains "furrin"" cars. Buc-skin will be cool in Detroit. B)
ummm since Tampa is an NFC team, you have to root for the Seahawks!!...yep....thats a rule...dont wanna be breakin' any rules right?? GO SEAHAWKS!@@!
Well, I've got family ties to Pittsburg though... That's why I'd jsut prefer to wear my Bucs colors, and then just cheer for both teams. A good play is a good play regardles of who makes it. Same for a good tackle. Besides, if I cheer for both teams, I'll have twice the fun!
That's exactly what I did at the Orange Bowl this year. I wore my South Carolina Garnet/Black and pulled for a good game. And that's exactly what I got
I would also say wear your teams apparel. Isn't the Super Bowl about more than just those two teams anyway, I mean it is the freaking World Championship! Support the Bucs and just have fun you lucky dog.
Well, you could always just be completely neutral and wear a Detroit Red Wings jersey. They might put you on TV for that
Well, at the Super Bowl I saw just about every jersey for every team. There was even a very spirited Browns fan decked out from head to toe. I was NOT out of place in my Bucs gear, and actually saw several others. The game was pretty good, but the crowd and atmosphere was phenomenal! I heard a rumor that the highest price paid for a ticket was $13,000. The Steelers fans wanted to get in at any price. THey did, and outnumbered the Seahawks fans by at least 100 to 1. It was a great time. Next year it's in Miami, so I'll be there too. And again in 2009, when it's back here in Tampa! See you there!
glad you had a great time. playoff games have a much different atmosphere that even non-fans can enjoy. the more important the game, the better the time.