We had to get FasTrak accounts and the "special" transponders to get the carpool access decals, on the assumption that we still have to pay bridge toll. So like an idiot I've spent the last three months crossing the bridge with my "special" transponder in full active mode - my good citizen genes have overwhelmed my brain. Haven't seen my FasTrak balance sheet yet, so perhaps I HAVEN'T been nicked for the bridge toll, but sakes alive, now that I've got the decals what do I need the transponder for? Nothing! So I'm "neutralizing" the meter box on my windscreen ASAP by pulling it off, & then try an experiment - enclose it in a lead film bag. I'll risk a toll violation in a "normal" FasTrak lane to see if the lead bag prevents its signal from being received. If the lead bag works, that'll be the transponder's new home in the glovebox, ready for use to be held in hand out of the bag whenever I cross the bridge outside carpool hours. But DURING carpool hours - it's in the bag! (so to speak). If the bag doesn't work I may consider just leaving the thing at home & paying toll with $$$ because I seldom cross the bridges outside carpool hours. Anyhow - anyone else had this same inspiration earlier than it occurred to my lame brain? Toll goes up to $4 next year - that's $80/month I can apply elsewhere. In answer to the ethics of ducking the toll, we can pursue that if this topic develops into a thread. The arguments pro and con are numerous. And moot if FasTrak does not ding our "special" transponders for the toll. But if not now, when will they start? I look forward to any and all thoughts on this! Mark Baird Alameda CA
I'm a bit confused about what you've written. Here's the deal: Unless you have a full car-pool load in your Prius, you still must pay the bridge toll at ALL times, and regardless of the lane you are in. That is exactly why the hybrids have a unique transponder. You can still use the faster carpool lane through the toll booth while driving solo, but you must pay the toll. The only ones to NOT have to pay the toll during commute times are actual car pools, and those with ZEV HOV stickers. Hybrids must still pay the toll at all times, unless they have an actual car pool at car pool times.
I don't cross a bridge so havn't checked this for sure, but my understanding is that you need to pay the toll unless you have 2 or more people in the car. Your message above doesn't specifiy if you're alone or not. That's what makes the transponders special, regular cars going through the carpool lanes on the bridges don't get charged, Prius's do (under the assumption the car has a solo occupant).
Right, and if you do have more than one person in the car you're supposed to put your transponder in the shielded mylar bag they provided to prevent being charged.
How the heck do they enforce that? Do the transponders come with butt-sensors you tape to the seats? . _H*
Thats funny! What a system, another thing to fiddle with while driving. Of course AZ still hasn't figured out the hybrids and carpool lanes.
If you pass thru FasTrak lanes w/o paying toll, you will get a ticket with a photo of your vehicle's "butt" (showing the license plate). They never miss. It is electronic.
You can use this same trick to save money at stores. Just put what you want to buy in the special bag and skip the checkout! If it works you can save untold dollars every month!