I'm new to this forum. I have owned my Prius Plug-in since July 2012. My wife & I love the car except for one thing: You cannot see the Navigation Screen on a bright sunny day. Long story short, we notified the dealer immediately and finally Toyota. This has been a consistent problem with the Prius for models in the past couple years. An after-market sun visor has been developed for other models, but not the new Plug-in which has a smaller display screen. I am meeting with a representative from Toyota on March 20th. They have claimed that no one has ever complained to them about this problem. If you own a Prius Plug-in and experience this problem, please post a reply in this thread. Then maybe Toyota will address the problem with "more squeaky wheels." I intend to print this Thread & give it to them. Thank you for your assistance.
I bought an earlier one and it did not quite fit, so I just let it hang over the edges...not optimal but does help the sun.
I had glare problems. After installing 35% tint, and installing an anti-glare screen protector on the navi screen and climate control screen I no longer have the problem. Toyota should definitely look into the interior design to prevent glare issues in their future products.
I've been in numerous cars with built in Nav who have a glare issue at certain angles. I wasn't shocked when I couldn't read my screen today. Most of the time it's fine. I'm probably going to get one of those Nav sunscreens.
Today my problem got resolved. We escalated thru the dealership and met with 2 Service reps from Boston. To make a long story short, they asked it we looked into the manual (Display Audio System Owner's Manual) under Display Settings on Pages 96-97. Needless to say we hadn't because the local dealership said they couldn't solve the problem & we discovered different forums on the internet discussing the same problem we were experiencing. Everyone talked about buying a sun visor. In 2 minutes, the service rep adjusted the contrast and brightness controls -- We drove the car into the sunlight and the display functions perfectly. The Sales and Service management from my local dealership get very low scores. It was their responsibility to "read the manual". We had 2 long chats with National Toyota who basically said that no one had ever reported the problem and they were not going to do anything. We then went back to the dealership management and threatened to return the car due to the safety hazard of not being able to see the Display screen which is the nucleus of this car. They then arranged this appointment -- seven months later. Our frustration is now gone and we love our Prius -- without needing/using a sun visor or screening our windows to reduce the glare. I sure hope this helps other Prius owners. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/basic-plug-in-prius-navigation-display-sun-visor-hood.110974/#ixzz2O7VLJCO7
I'm glad you got your problem resolved. And thanks for the page numbers. After 6 months of ownership and asking my dealer over and over for the "Navigation System Owner's Manual" (as it's listed in the index of the main owner's manual), I found this forum. In looking for the pp 96-97 that you listed, I noticed that pages didn't match. However, I did find that Toyota combined the Display Audio System manual AND the Navigation system owners manual in one publication! Does the dealer even know this? I doubt if they care, given the year of my vehicle. However, I'm pretty happy now.